Gerard Piqué


New member


New member
Until now I seriously believed that all this refereeing that has gone against us was because of the pressure Mourinho puts on referees and because there are more madridistas in Spain than cules(so it will be logical to be more refs that support RM)..I know that we will never have the help that RM has every year and that's why the team must be truly spectacular to win a league, but I couldn't imagine that it will come to this:
-Pep being suspended because he said the ref lied and the video footage showed he was right, but the suspension remained;
-Mou accusing the referees in every press conference last season, but nothing happend;
-Mou poking Tito's eye and being suspended only 2 game(but mostly because of the international outrage);
-Mou waiting the referee in the parking lot without any punishment being given(the same for Casillas, Ramos and all these cunts);
-Rayo's players accused the refs from being biased and nobody takes any actions;
-Pepe stampping Messi and again nothing happend because the same judge who now sues Pique said that as long as there wasn't blood, it wasn't such a big deal etc.

I love football, I really do, but all this gives me nothing but disgust and I think that for a while I will try to disconnect from all this because it can be too much's like someone tries to robe my purse, doesn't succeed, I go to the Police to denounce them and they laugh in my face and fine me because I screamed and my neighbours were unhappy with all the noise(it actually happend to a woman from my city).



Active member
this will all go unnoticed though, barca have been on top of the world for years now and when you're up there everybody will be hating on you (which they are doing now) and things like this won't even be mentioned whilst a barca player dives and gets a free kick is the big topic of the day among other football fans

Pepe Silvia

Active member
even some cules here (with many years posting in the forum and all that...), still believe we are playing in a fair competition....
Hopefully the amount of obscene biased decisions will open their eyes, at least some people has started seeing the reality of this joke of a legue
For me, someone who is fairly new to La Liga competition, it hasn't become THAT apparent up until now. I am noticing things but trying not to be biased (hard thing to do by itself). It seems like refs are heavily favoring Real Madrid in La Liga. I've been paying close close attention to Europe too, and there comically enough, RM has been enjoying NO help from refs there. I don't know. I'll let the vets here like you and Meta and others step up and provide some more insight to this.


New member
It gets even more bizarre when you take into account which valuable contribution our club, the players, the youth system have made to the success of the national team(s). The powers to be like like to bask in the international success which is due to the work of our club on grand scale but on the other hand take every possibilitie to put the club down


I wonder how much the refs take before a game... For what amount of money are you willing to shit on your career!?


New member
I wonder how much the refs take before a game... For what amount of money are you willing to shit on your career!?

That's funny..considering that the referees of Rayo-RM and Barca-Gijon are the ones going to the EC. So they're actually building their careers.


i used to think that the league is the most important title and the european superleague is not a good idea. now i think the european superleague would be the best thing ever and league has less meaning than copa del gey.

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