Gerard Piqué


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Exactly. Pep was much more willing to give young youth players a chance (ex. Tello and Cuenca) and it seems so far like Tito doesn't want to take the risk. I just don't understand exactly what he expects to happen, then... players need playing time to develop.

Tello has played a good share of minutes, even though he is still a B team player and Montoya has played a little here and there... Also Bartra will get his minutes in Copa del Rey, so no need to panic just yet...


New member
Tito has been in charge for around 10 games so far, and you're already judging him to be unwilling to try canteranos? Hilarious shit.

Clearly something is happening in training that we have absolutely no insight to, and at the moment Tito prefers Song. Simple as that really.

It's more than just that, though. It's promoting Bartra to the 1st team. It's going out and getting Song instead of a CB or developing one of our youth CBs. I mean, if Bartra has any potential at all... why promote him to the 1st team only not to play him? Let him get matches at Barca B.


Exactly. Pep was much more willing to give young youth players a chance (ex. Tello and Cuenca) and it seems so far like Tito doesn't want to take the risk. I just don't understand exactly what he expects to happen, then... players need playing time to develop.

Are you serious...? Tito been using Tello a lot even when he was playing like crap. The only thing I regret now tho is that perhaps those minutes would have been better for Bartra because what we really need right now is a central defender. The same mistake was made with Song. I think it would have been easier to incorporate Bartra than using Song as a central defender. It's not his position and he really plays bad there.


New member
It's more than just that, though. It's promoting Bartra to the 1st team. It's going out and getting Song instead of a CB or developing one of our youth CBs. I mean, if Bartra has any potential at all... why promote him to the 1st team only not to play him? Let him get matches at Barca B.

I'm not inside Tito's head, so I don't know why he doesn't trust him. What I do know, though, is that canteranos shouldn't be picked unless they're worthy. At this point of time it's fairly obvious that Tito doesn't trust him fully. Perhaps he had higher hopes for his development during training? We don't know, but obviously he knows better than us, as he sees him in action every day.


New member
Are you serious...? Tito been using Tello a lot even when he was playing like crap. The only thing I regret now tho is that perhaps those minutes would have been better for Bartra because what we really need right now is a central defender. The same mistake was made with Song. I think it would have been easier to incorporate Bartra than using Song as a central defender. It's not his position and he really plays bad there.

That's more my point than anything else. Central defender is obviously our biggest need, and we have young players at that position that at least at one time or another have been rated, not sure why they're not even being given a chance if they're being pulled out of Barca B matches and losing playing time.


New member
Although I remember his last clasico blunder as if it was yesterday, A not so fit Pique is three times better than Song.

They better give Pique painkillers or we will all need it at the end of the match.


New member

:lol: :lol:


New member
Anyone remember what exactly his injury was all about? I remember it was something with his foot, but no idea which muscles etc.

If he plays on painkillers on Saturday, is there a high risk that his injury will get worser and that he'll be out for a long time?


He's still not walking. I don't think it's a good idea to risk losing him for an even bigger period of time.

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