Gerard Piqué


World Champion
He's picked himself up since the Euros to be fair. Last season was just desastrous for him. Hope that negative experience (people calling for him to be sold, Pep benching him in big games) tought him a lesson for the future.


maybe thats what he needed, a slap in the face. although i'm definately not one of those who says he was bad last season or uninterested. definately not up to his high standards but not as bad as the media tried to make him either.


New member
A question to the rest on the board, Am I right when I say that Pique looks more focused this season than the last one? He seems a bit more alert and generally more mentally present. At times last season I though he looked uninterested and nonchalant, but that seems to be gone now, atleast that is my perception.

He was definetely less focused last year. It was a year to forget, he was in and out of the lineup due to injuries and Pep sitting him.


New member
I just wish he'd stop wandering towards the flanks so often. He leaves space wide open behind his back. But then again, Alves (and much less often Alba) is mostly to blame, as he hasn't been doing his part of the job lately then Pique has to cover for him.


New member
A question to the rest on the board, Am I right when I say that Pique looks more focused this season than the last one? He seems a bit more alert and generally more mentally present. At times last season I though he looked uninterested and nonchalant, but that seems to be gone now, atleast that is my perception.


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Piqué voting:



New member
What is he voting for?

EDIT: Nevermind. Catalan parliament, if I'm not mistaken.
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World Champion
Am I the only one who thought he was kinda "meh"? He got nutmegged like an amateur in the first half to concede a dangerous chance and the way he threw himself on the ground before the penalty ... I mean, what was he trying to do? I'll cut him some slack though since he's just returned from injury.


Am I the only one who thought he was kinda "meh"? He got nutmegged like an amateur in the first half to concede a dangerous chance and the way he threw himself on the ground before the penalty ... I mean, what was he trying to do? I'll cut him some slack though since he's just returned from injury.
I did. There was also a bad clearance, when he gave the ball away to a levante player, and he shot on goal. I don't think today's was a "Piquenbauer" display.


He wasn't perfect, but nobody was claiming he was. Alongside those mistakes that you point out, he had many more great moments, he's much much more resolute than Masch and tends to deal with the threats effectively when he leaves his line, he made a lot of great interceptions...I was more puzzled by the handball before the penalty, that was just stupid..but that's Pique, can't do anything about it.

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