Gerard Piqué


New member
We made an offer for him but P$G offered more. How is that our fault?

Agree 100%. When the choice is between Barca - arguably the best team in the world - for the kinda wages the average punter would kill for, or PSG for huge wages (in a 2nd tier league, for a nouveu riche team still to find its place in the CL) and you choose money...

A greedy little swine whos sporting integrity and sense of footballing history and the need to win big and be a part of Barca's legacy was trumped by petro-dollars.

He is indeed better off nowhere near our team!


The Culest
Agree 100%. When the choice is between Barca - arguably the best team in the world - for the kinda wages the average punter would kill for, or PSG for huge wages (in a 2nd tier league, for a nouveu riche team still to find its place in the CL) and you choose money...

A greedy little swine whos sporting integrity and sense of footballing history and the need to win big and be a part of Barca's legacy was trumped by petro-dollars.

He is indeed better off nowhere near our team!

Maybe Milan forced him to go to PSG as they were unwilling to sell to us at our lower price?


New member
Maybe Milan forced him to go to PSG as they were unwilling to sell to us at our lower price?

You could be right, but in this day and age of massive player power, Silva could have forced Milan to let him go where he wanted to go.

Teams are reluctant to hold onto unsettled, dissatisfied players. Plus players can play crap or run down their contract so the club get nothing/have to accept a lesser fee.

I would like to think that perhaps other factors mattered more to Silva, but IMO it was money pure and simple; and given the money, i dont suppose any of us would turn it down IF we didnt love Barca the way we do.


New member
There was no choice. He didn't force a move, he was happy to stay in Milan, but Milan decided to cash in because of their debt. If he forced a move to Barca, that would show a lack of loyalty to Milan.


New member
There was no choice. He didn't force a move, he was happy to stay in Milan, but Milan decided to cash in because of their debt. If he forced a move to Barca, that would show a lack of loyalty to Milan.

So, Milan can force him to move to the club thats offering the most money - i dont think so!

The days of slavery are long gone. Silva could have said, 'fair enough you need to cash in on me, BUT if im going im going to the best club in the world (Barca) whatever they're offering. Or...i will stay and play crap and run down my contract.

See, there's got to be an 'or else...' Milan cant say sign for PSG because there's no 'or else' Silva has a contract that stops the club abusing him.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
Silva was sold because we included Ibrahimovic in the PSG deal & his wages needed to go, otherwise he wouldn't of been sold to anyone. He was pushed out to PSG in the end.

He pretty much everyday tweets about how he misses Milan & is always supporting them as a fan when they win games etc. He wouldn't of gone anywhere but as i said PSG wanted Silva but we wouldn't sell, we only sold him because we managed to throw Ibrahimovic in the deal.


Well, didn't he say that he didn't want to leave and all that? And only left because Milan needed the cash.

If a player doesn't want to leave then he doesn't have to leave. Plenty of players have refused transfers (like our own J dos Santos).

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Piqué - I don't understand Catalans who want Spain to lose

Piqué was interviewed by Spanish-speaking newspaper El País ahead of the clash with Spain and questioned why some Catalans, despite their political stance, want Spain to do poorly.

He told the newspaper:

"Everyone can think what they want, but I don't understand the Catalan who says that he wants the national team [Spain] to lose. Why are you wishing that things go wrong for people like you, Barça fans and Catalans?"
"Hierro was my idol and I wanted [Spain] to win because he played there as well as Pep Guardiola and Sergi from Barça. I always went with the national team."

Interview (in Spanish):

Original quotes below:
"Cada uno puede pensar lo que quiera, pero yo no entiendo al catalán que dice que quiere que pierda la selección. ¿Por qué estás deseando que le vaya mal a gente como tú, del Barça y catalanes?"

“Hierro era mi ídolo y quería que ganara la selección porque jugaba él y estaban Pep Guardiola y Sergi, del Barça. Yo siempre iba con la selección."

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