Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
''where is my shakira?''

,, Where is the world class player that I was in 2010 " ?


New member
What a senseless comment. Saw his press conference live a few minutes ago. Piqué was not only correct but said it in the heat of the moment right after a historic and humiliating defeat.

Tito needs to get his act together.

His comment about this team not needing any major changes is also ridiculous to say the least. We need changes like those in 2008.

But well what to expect. The same guy said that there was no reason to buy a central defender last summer when every sane person could see that this was very much needed. Instead he bought a defensive/central midfielder and tried to convert him into a central defender.



But well what to expect. The same guy said that there was no reason to buy a central defender last summer when every sane person could see that this was very much needed. Instead he bought a defensive/central midfielder and tried to convert him into a central defender.


Or from another perspective...

First Tito declared CB to be main priority. Then Zubi spent some quality time sitting on his hands. Then Zubi started doing rounds, arriving everywhere late. Then Zubi signed the at least something option he had. And then Tito put up the that's all I ever wanted act.

That's how it seemed to me at the end of the summer, and even more so after Thiago Silva's statements.


New member
Or from another perspective...

First Tito declared CB to be main priority. Then Zubi spent some quality time sitting on his hands. Then Zubi started doing rounds, arriving everywhere late. Then Zubi signed the at least something option he had. And then Tito put up the that's all I ever wanted act.

That's how it seemed to me at the end of the summer, and even more so after Thiago Silva's statements.

Zubi has hardly impressed either. There are rumors that point to dissatisfaction within the junta of the club regarding Zubi's performances or lack thereof.

The point is that Tito clearly stated, on numerous occasions, that a central defender was not needed when everybody could see that this was a position that needed to be strengthened. Today, Sport reported, that Hummels was offered to the club by Zubi last summer but that he (Tito) declined the offer.

I would have understood that move if he really trusted Bartra but the problem is that he never got any opportunities this season unless 66 percent of the entire defense was absent.

There is/was plenty of opportunities in the league to give players like Montoya, Bartra and Thiago more playing time. Especially since half of the leagues teams are pushovers.


Senior Member
The worst part was him saying he doesn't want a defender then not even trying to develop bartra over the course of the season


New member
Tito this season made more rotation then pep ever had in his 4 years, I can't see how anyone can complain.


New member
Tito this season made more rotation then pep ever had in his 4 years, I can't see how anyone can complain.

Wrong. The exact opposite actually. There is no excuse for what I stated. Tito has failed miserably on many fronts. Cancer or not. When a head of state or person of importance is unable to perform his work due to illness then he should step down.

There are already rumors of Tito going back to NYC for treatment. This is far from a ideal situation for the club and I do not believe for one second that a person in such a situation is able to concentrate fully on his work.


Tito this season made more rotation then pep ever had in his 4 years, I can't see how anyone can complain.

Say who? Stats?
What I saw is Tito played Alves way too many games when he can give time to Montoya.
And I think, good rotation is not about how many games/minutes the players play but how efficient and balance both. Like there's no point in stats a player play 20 games but always come in 3 minutes (a la Bojan in his last season with us), and player play a hundred minutes but lately not playing at all (like say you play Bartra 10 games in a row in early season, then you bench him until now), that isn't good rotation. IMO
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New member
Tito used rotation?? What?? Was I watching another team all season??

What was it with the " Ideal XI " that played almost all the games between November till February when we lost to Milan?? Was that rotation to use the exact same XI for almost every single game??


Tito lacks pep's charisma. he isn't a figure, or a motivator. The team needs a shake up. Inevitably, Tito is an extension of the pep era. That will always be case.

What better place to start the shake up than at the top?


New member
Tito lacks pep's charisma. he isn't a figure, or a motivator. The team needs a shake up. Inevitably, Tito is an extension of the pep era. That will always be case.

What better place to start the shake up than at the top?

I agree with everything other than him being an extension of the Pep Era. That era died the day Pep left. What has followed is just a cheap copy that is bound for failure.

Tito does not strike me like the type who would change his approach radically even if it was needed. Nothing has told me otherwise from observing him this whole season.

I really hope that he will surprise me but I doubt it.


Zubi has hardly impressed either. There are rumors that point to dissatisfaction within the junta of the club regarding Zubi's performances or lack thereof.

The point is that Tito clearly stated, on numerous occasions, that a central defender was not needed when everybody could see that this was a position that needed to be strengthened. Today, Sport reported, that Hummels was offered to the club by Zubi last summer but that he (Tito) declined the offer.

I would have understood that move if he really trusted Bartra but the problem is that he never got any opportunities this season unless 66 percent of the entire defense was absent.

There is/was plenty of opportunities in the league to give players like Montoya, Bartra and Thiago more playing time. Especially since half of the leagues teams are pushovers.

I agree that more chances with youngsters should've been taken, and it could've prevented the current state of squad. My only beef is with the use of Tito's tendency to speak BS in order to protect the team as a weapon batter him with. Once situation was what it was, there wasn't much else to do than throw compliments towards the squad and hope for something in return.

Btw. Wasn't today's Hummels story only about the current situation? If there's more to it, any link as it sounds interesting?


New member
I agree that more chances with youngsters should've been taken, and it could've prevented the current state of squad. My only beef is with the use of Tito's tendency to speak BS in order to protect the team as a weapon batter him with. Once situation was what it was, there wasn't much else to do than throw compliments towards the squad and hope for something in return.

Btw. Wasn't today's Hummels story only about the current situation? If there's more to it, any link as it sounds interesting?

I agree but there is a difference with obviously protecting the team and being proven to be a hypocrite based on statements that have no connection with protecting anyone. In other words plain and simple contradictions and ridiculous excuses. Something Pep never did, despite him protecting his team and players like every single manager of note should do and does.

Hace un año, Zubizarreta ya le ofreció a Tito la posibilidad de fichar a Hummels, pero el técnico pidió a Thiago Silva y tras la marcha de Keita, el elegido fue Song, que según la dirección deportiva podía actuar de mediocentro y de central, posición para la que quedó descartado tras sus desafortunadas actuaciones al principio de la actual temporada.

It was part of today's article that indeed claims that Hummels is "controlled" by the club and that Zubi has offered him to Tito but apparently the latter prefers Silva as one year ago if we believe the rumors.

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