Gerard Piqué


Lemon curry?
He was so poor in the air and Ronaldo, Bale & Di Maria completely destroyed him with their pace.

Seriously man, Shakira totally messed him up with her halloween shopping. He should focus on training and not pumpkins, waka-waka and poker games. Not to mention he was slow as a snail again.
This could be a result of him feeling that his spot is being challenged, given Bartra's great performances recently. Hope he keeps this up.
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He was so poor in the air and Ronaldo, Bale & Di Maria completely destroyed him with their pace.

Seriously man, Shakira totally messed him up with her halloween shopping. He should focus on training and not pumpkins, waka-waka and poker games. Not to mention he was slow as a snail again.

It's because he's only thinking of that promiscuous hussy of his!

Won't rate him till he performs against a good team.

Hahaha, you guys are great.


New member
So, what are Pique's best games in 2013? This one, and the ones against Bayern... anyone notice a pattern here? :lol: We can criticize him all we want, but this guy always shows up when it matters most. Iniesta did that tonight, too.


I am not getting my hopes high but he is showing some signs of the pre shakira pique. Good game today, no particular errors and has been solid as a wall.


His problem is concentration. When he's focused, he plays well. That's why when Puyol was fit Pique often played well. In some games he's too relaxed.

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