Gerard Piqué



He's not complete shit, just out of form recently. I'm not sure if he'll able to get back to his best though.


High Definition Member
Since his injury he is off form but for most of last season he was good. Not 2008-2011 form though, under Lucho and a quick tall partner that covers his downsides (Mathieu) that could return though.


New member
I didn't see Bartra make any blatant errors (unless I missed something). Pique did. The time when Insigne almost scored, only reason he didn't was because it looked like Insigne didn't expect Pique to make an error, so his timing was off. Then the other time where Insigne crossed to Hamsik, Pique was supposed to have been marking Insigne.
Oh come on now, that second one can't possible be accounted for as an error. With the amount of space between the two, you can't expect Piqué to stop a cross.
The first one, I must've missed.
Pique played really poor, I was at the game and apart from his obvious few mistakes and positional errors he didn't seem confident at all, when he did get to a ball he didn't even control it, he just booted it away, the Pique of some seasons ago wouldn't have done that.


It's become the cool thing here to hate Pique. Nobody talks about the great pass he made to Alba that should have led to a goal.
One pass should excuse the whole performance? And I see mostly criticism rather than hate...
Yeah, there's only one post that I'd categorize as blatant "hate", the rest are just concerns or criticism. There's a difference.

Ok fine, it's become the cool thing to criticize him. I didn't mean people actually hate him. Why would anyone hate someone they've never met? The other players don't get the same treatment here. If you're gonna pick apart everything he does wrong then you have to praise him for what he does right. Which believe it or not he does more right than wrong. Some people just have to take their hate, uhhhhh I mean, criticizing glasses off.

By the way I'm not some Pique apologist I just don't see all the mistakes people claim he's making. This game I thought was fine but the game against Nice was bad for him.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
It's become the cool thing here to hate Pique. Nobody talks about the great pass he made to Alba that should have led to a goal.
That's not fair. A lot of people criticizing him are his biggest fans. I know that's true for me. He became stale, lazy, sloppy, and caught out of position too many times over the last couple of years. Last year he was pretty good overall but still has a ways to go to be back to his level. It looks like if this preseason is any indication that he has regressed some. He can still improve and come back strong but he isn't giving any signs of aggression or physicality that say he is in the game. He is too passive right now and needs to wake up!


:lol: :lol:

He set off a stink bomb in the plane :lol:

Barcelona was forced to apologize (according Sport)
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