Gerard Piqué


President of FC Barcelona
Even if Pep wanted to sell Pique, they probably have mutual respect. Pep was arguably the most important person in Pique's footballing career alongside Puyol perhaps.


President of FC Barcelona
Doubt it'll happen, but if he indeed tries to force a way out then it'll be a disaster. We'll be left with Masch, Bartra and Mathieu as CBs.

Barcelona centre back Gerard Pique (27) could consider leaving if his situation doesn't change in the games after interneational break. [md]


Senior Member
It's probably just bullshit being published after the pics of him and Pep surfaced. And even if he were to try to leave Puyol would probably convince him not to.

That being said if it's true, I really don't give a shit if he decides to leave.

If Pique feels that he would rather leave the club than train hard and become a good defender again, then the door is open. We've been putting up with this bullshit for over 2 years now and if he wants to call it quits, I'm not going to cry over it.


Senior Member
Barcelona centre back Gerard Pique (27) could consider leaving if his situation doesn't change in the games after interneational break. [md]


+ Sandra +

New member
No matter how bad he is, it would be a disaster if he left. With Vermaelen out for God knows how long, we cannot just have Bartra/Masch(!!)/Mathieu as our only available CBs.

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