Gerard Piqué

Pepe Silvia

Active member
While not rating Piqué as world class people are still setting world class standards for him. It's confusing. Aside from his blunder he was ok in defense and very good in offense. And to be honest, Piqué has always suffered in 1V1
Actually no. He was pretty remarkable at times in 1v1, that's what drew so much attention on him in the past and made him one of my favorite players. He is getting better but only at becoming a system player, a piece, a component... but he is not a force and probably never will be at this point. It was pretty obvious once Puyol left that he requires a dominant personality to pair with to bring out his best. Since then, it's been Mascherano doing most of the hand holding.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
He was left 1-1 and there wasn't really much chance of stopping the shot.
It did look too easy though.
He played it safe and used basic fundamentals to stay with his mark, but did nothing to cut off the shot angle. He could've done more but I won't crucify him just for that play alone. He was pretty good today.


Wild Man of Borneo
That 1v1 was the epitome of everything Pique is on a 1v1. Relentlessly retreating and offering them more space until they turn him with no difficulty and do as they please. He doesn't understand the concept of forcing pressure-errors or standing his ground. It's not even about making a Maldini-esque tackle since that was a tricky situation, but he didn't make life difficult for the attacker whatsoever. In fact, you could pretty much photoshop Pique out of that sequence and visualize it as empty space because that was exactly what it might as well have been. Pique did nothing to force the attacker to react to him or acknowledge his presence.

Same thing here:

And here, except with a nice retarded slide thrown in at the end:

Couldn't stand his ground and slow down/deter an attacker if his life depended on it. Other than that, not a bad game and well taken goal.


San Claudio Bravo
Some awful awful 1v1 defending by Pique. He pretty much did the exact opposite of everything he should have done to stop the play.


Needless backpedaling instead of challenging the player - check
Giving position to the player - check
Not using Mascherano's solid supporting run to his advantage -check
Not forcing the player wide - check
Giving the player the middle of the field without challenge for the easy inside cut - check
Not challenging the shot after he fucked up all other previous opportunities to stop the player - check

If they ever want a visual aid to teach a youngster what NOT to do while defending 1v1, by all means, use this example. It is textbook NOT to do stuff.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Some awful awful 1v1 defending by Pique. He pretty much did the exact opposite of everything he should have done to stop the play.


Needless backpedaling instead of challenging the player - check
Giving position to the player - check
Not using Mascherano's solid supporting run to his advantage -check
Not forcing the player wide - check
Giving the player the middle of the field without challenge for the easy inside cut - check
Not challenging the shot after he fucked up all other previous opportunities to stop the player - check

If they ever want a visual aid to teach a youngster what NOT to do while defending 1v1, by all means, use this example. It is textbook NOT to do stuff.


El Mesías

New member
I thought Pique did the right thing by not diving in with a full blooded tackle that might result in 1) a penalty and a red card, 2) Garcia skipping pass him and leaving him 1 on 1 with Bravo.

Instead of getting up and dashing back to help stop the counter, Busquets is still on the ground whining to the referee. Pique backing off and at the same time telling Mascherano to cover the other opponent managed to slow Garcia would paid off is Busquets or Alba managed to get back in time to help pressure.

Not every defending had to be blood and thunder tackles. That is reserved for the naive defending in English Premier League


San Claudio Bravo
I thought Pique did the right thing by not diving in with a full blooded tackle that might result in 1) a penalty and a red card, 2) Garcia skipping pass him and leaving him 1 on 1 with Bravo.

Instead of getting up and dashing back to help stop the counter, Busquets is still on the ground whining to the referee. Pique backing off and at the same time telling Mascherano to cover the other opponent managed to slow Garcia would paid off is Busquets or Alba managed to get back in time to help pressure.

Not every defending had to be blood and thunder tackles. That is reserved for the naive defending in English Premier League

Except you don't have to dive to challenge an opponent and Pique started backpedaling several meters outside the box and allowed Sergio Garcia to enter the box unchallenged. He was indecisive and Garcia pretty much waltz into the box and his shot because Pique did nothing to stop him.


New member
He could have easily challenged Garcia outside of the box. He started back pedaling about 8-10 yards outside of the box.


New member
He isn't the best in those one on one situations but was great in all other areas. Very good performance and a beast header.


New member
Reminds me of a one vs one against CR7 during a clasico. It was in approximately in the same position but Pique made a foul and it was a penaldo.
Just hope that he'll be able to handle the pace of Lucas on wednesday.

Madara Uchiha

Like I said, can't decide whether he's awesome or shit. He has got to be our most up and down player. Sometimes he makes you wonder "why isn't he benched" and other times he makes the idea of benching him look ridiculous. Trying to decide whether to play him or not must be a nightmare.
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Andrew M

New member
When we have to defend for long periods without the ball he can look vulnerable. And there is the Bambi on ice effect when one on one with a fast player sometimes. But he is good in the air and excellent with the ball.

I feel, based on his recent matches, that there is reason to be optimistic over his future

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