Gerard Piqué


Senior Member
lol I'm not wishful thinking, I have no expectation for the way fans act, specially Madrid fans who have shown time and again what a fickle bunch they are, no surprise at the loser attitude here, I'm only saying how things should be. And yes rivalry is ever present, but when you're representing a Nation club rivalry should certainly take a back seat to national pride.

I can understand your point. But that wont happen, this isnt realistic. They hate on Pique, not on the nationalteam. And Pique is rubbing it into their faces at this point, encouraging them to do it even more. At least since the last interview, he could not longer complain about it now. Club always comes first before nation. Things might be unfair like "why is this player getting booed, and not this player", but its how it works for whatever reason and the players are aware of how they can act and how not. So if you want heat from the crowd, then you aim to make an interview exactly like this. He isnt asking for friends, and he surely wont get them, regardless of what jersey he is wearing at this point. But it is apparently okay, because Pique says he can deal with it and that he doesnt care.


Great text:

Gerard Pique Should Be Praised For Being Real In A Game Full Of Phonies

September 10, 2015 2:35 PM
Pique's comments are causing a stir but they should not be.

Shameful. Disrespectful. Unprofessional. Obsessed.
Just some of the words banded about today after Gerard Pique’s stirring press conference in Barcelona. One not used is 'real'.

That’s exactly what Pique is, on the field and especially so off it. He embodies everything a fan wants in a player and portrays themselves on a game day. While he may come across irritating for an opponent, especially a direct and historical rival such as Real Madrid, if he was one of your own you would be enamoured with his words. He only said what many do on Twitter, and to their friends when watching the game at home. He’s a fan playing for the team he loves, his honesty was refreshing in a game full of anything but.

If Pique was born in Madrid, played for Real Madrid and uttered words this morning representing ‘Madridismo’ the shoe would be firmly on the other foot when it comes to critics in the Spanish capital. In fact, he only echoed words that Guti, an idol at the Bernabeu, has done so before. "I always want them to lose.” said the midfielder in 2009. It was akin to Pique’s comment this morning, “When Madrid played against Juventus in the Champions League semi-final, I was wearing a Buffon shirt”.

Is there really anything wrong with this? No, there isn’t. Unless you are a hypocrite, or simply over-sensitive. This is sport; the aim is to win, and you want your rival to lose. This isn’t an earth shattering revelation that Pique has offered up this morning, he simply represents the views of many Barça fans out there. Is he obsessed? Maybe so. But are you telling me as a fan, you don't look at your rivals result after that of your own team?

In a period when the player is becoming more and more distant from the fan, it’s enthusing to see such honesty. Pique may earn millions a year, but it hasn’t removed him from the feeling he had as a child, or a young man growing up watching games in the stands at Camp Nou. "Before Atletico Madrid, I told Iker [Casillas] that hopefully he'd concede four. He did, and we still laugh about that comment."
If you find issue with that, if it doesn’t raise at least a wry smile - it did even more for Casillas - then sport probably isn't for you.

The same goes for the hypocrisy in the media today attacking Pique for his words, yet these are the same people that fuel a fire every few times a season for El Clasico. Pique has embraced exactly what they encourage, yet he is being vilified for it. Where is the professionalism and integrity in that?
Pique’s had a rough week or so given the latest episode of booing while on International duty with Spain. Sergio Ramos only increased the the tension with words Pique has regarded as “said in haste” this morning.

The downturn in which has coincided with Spain as a collective, it’s not an individual issue. Pique was an integral member of Spain’s winning sides in 2010 and 2012 at the World Cup and European Championships respectively, it’s funny that this is barely remembered in the current environment, where a throwaway remark about a reggaeton singer is given more focus than what occurs on the field. In one of the most ridiculous media storms of recent times, Pique's comment about Kevin Roldan was given far too much space. Pique's own magnificent season, restoring himself as one of the best defenders on the planet, has hardly been spoken of.

It's the culture to highlight the negative over the positive, but that owes much to the fact many are incapable of analyzing a game and instead dissect soap operas.
The game needs Pique and more like him - it doesn't need the frauds that surround him.


New member
Again, why does nobody boo Ramos(he said "que se enteren los indios quien manda en la capital") or Casillas, then? Because the media don't make a fuss or instigate. It's not based on what the players say or do alone. Casillas said winning la decima was much better than winning the world cup. Just imagine what would happen if it was Pique who said that. But as it was a rm player, and a title rm won, no fuss about it. I'm glad Pique doesn't bend over to this hypocrisy. Yesterday I was worried he was going to apologize. I'm really glad he kept his stance.

Pique referencing rm is always about the club, not players, as many rm players do too.

That's not an argument. That's what children say when they're in trouble - but mom, he did the same, why aren't you punishing him?

What's your point, anyway? Everybody knows that the media in Spain is generally Madrid biased, and that the Madrid media have a thing for criticizing our players and stirring up shit to condemn them. That doesn't erase the fact that Pique started this on his own when he said the things he said. He was the one who made it possible for them to instigate. If he had a different attitude, the media would have nothing to cling to and create a fuss. Like they don't with other players. Pique started it, the media took the ball and ran with it.

??? Unless you know factually who "those" was directed to, yes, you are in fact speculating.

What on earth are you talking about? Are you actually suggesting that when he said "Madrid" he was directing it precisely at a few particular people, and not the club as an entirety?


Culé de Celestial Empire
Let's stop arguing over whether it is appropriate to boo him and stuff and just enjoy him being booed like Pique himself does.

Move on.


San Claudio Bravo
What on earth are you talking about? Are you actually suggesting that when he said "Madrid" he was directing it precisely at a few particular people, and not the club as an entirety?

Are you suggesting you know for a fact who he was referring to? Because unless you do, you are, as I said, speculating.


Senior Member
Is that the same madrista national team mates who kick lumps out of the barca players in clasicos. At the end of the day the two teams are eternal rivals and pique is barca through an through. Even us fans dont normally turn down the chance to have a dig at madrid


San Claudio Bravo
I can understand your point. But that wont happen, this isnt realistic. They hate on Pique, not on the nationalteam. And Pique is rubbing it into their faces, encouraging them to do it even more. At least since the last interview, he could not longer complain about it now. Club always comes first before nation. Things might be unfair like "why is this player getting booed, and not this player", but its how it works for whatever reason and the players are aware of how they can act and how not. So if you want heat from the crowd, then you aim to make an interview exactly like this. He isnt asking for friends, and he surely wont get them, regardless of what jersey he is wearing at this point. But it is apparently okay, because Pique says he can deal with it and that he doesnt care.

Yes it is quite evident for Madrid club does come before nation, as evident by some of their fan's attitude and some of their players words preferring titles with Madrid than with the NT. This is not the way it is everywhere else though, and national play should and does suppress rivalry in plenty of cases with reasonable fans. But again, Madrid fans fickle and loser attitude can't be helped.


That's not an argument. That's what children say when they're in trouble - but mom, he did the same, why aren't you punishing him?

What's your point, anyway? Everybody knows that the media in Spain is generally Madrid biased, and that the Madrid media have a thing for criticizing our players and stirring up shit to condemn them. That doesn't erase the fact that Pique started this on his own when he said the things he said. He was the one who made it possible for them to instigate. If he had a different attitude, the media would have nothing to cling to and create a fuss. Like they don't with other players. Pique started it, the media took the ball and ran with it.

If you know madrid media is biased, then why are you saying Pique is wrong? He's doing the same everyone else does, but he's one of the few that gets vilified by it, because he plays for Barça. He doesn't start anything on his own. If the media don't pick up and make a fuss, it's a non story, as it always happens with casillas and ramos, and guti, raul and so many others. Pique is not the one who should change his attitude.


New member
If you know madrid media is biased, then why are you saying Pique is wrong? He's doing the same everyone else does, but he's one of the few that gets vilified by it, because he plays for Barça. He doesn't start anything on his own. If the media don't pick up and make a fuss, it's a non story, as it is with casillas and ramos, and guti, raul and so many others. Pique is not the one who should change his attitude.

I didn't say he was wrong (although I personally like gentlemen like Puyol and Xavi more than guys like Pique, but that's another story), I said it was his fault. It's not wrong to say those things and get booed, but it's his responsibility if he does. The bottom line is - if you don't stir shit up, you don't get booed. Regardless of where you come from.

And that doesn't mean that you will necessarily get booed if you start shit, regardless of where you come from. Because, as you say, Ramos and others from Madrid are excused. But that's a different point.


Senior Member

We dont say what Pique did was wrong or right.
But frankly, he insulted and provocated Madrid at several occasions, and his status among those supporters who booed him in the stadium isnt exactly growing because he was "being real" the whole time when he insulted them. The neutrals dont hate Pique, the Madrid fans hate Pique. And 'keeping it real in a game full of fakers' isnt earning him any plus point there.

totally agree, pique can go home to his beautiful wife, kid, his medal collection and I am sure he sleeps well at night

Sure, he has his stomach full of mushrooms.


I didn't say he was wrong (although I personally like gentlemen like Puyol and Xavi more than guys like Pique, but that's another story), I said it was his fault. It's not wrong to say those things and get booed, but it's his responsibility if he does. The bottom line is - if you don't stir shit up, you don't get booed. Regardless of where you come from.

He didn't ask for forgiveness or apologized, meaning he doesn't even think what he did was false. He can't take responsibility for the wrong thing he doesn't believe he hasn't done.


Senior Member
He didn't ask for forgiveness or apologized, meaning he doesn't even think what he did was false. He can't take responsibility for the wrong thing he doesn't believe he hasn't done.

Or he just doesnt care. Which is, regarding his interview, a pretty likely thing. He DID know what consequences those words would have. Heck, he even took several more digs at Madrid in the the same interview, Pique is far from stupid, he knows what he is doing there.


We dont say what Pique did was wrong or right.
But frankly, he insulted and provocated Madrid at several occasions, and his status among those supporters who booed him in the stadium isnt exactly growing because he was "being real" the whole time when he insulted them. The neutrals dont hate Pique, the Madrid fans hate Pique. And 'keeping it real in a game full of fakers' isnt earning him any plus point there.
Madrid players do the same whenever they can. I'm glad Pique is like that, it's a bit unnerving when Barça players bend over to the capital.


President of FC Barcelona
Yes because Madrid can shit on Barça all they want but if one of ours speak up as well, we're being the bad guys.


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