I prefer it to go classy than Mourinho's cunt tactics.
Agreed, it doesn't suit club philosophy
I prefer it to go classy than Mourinho's cunt tactics.
Expecting him to open his mouth again as soon as they land in Japan.
Pique should just join BarcaForum.
Maybe he already did.
Ramos: "We all share the blame for tonight. Pique? Tonight's not the best day to talk about that. One must respect their peers."
Ramos on Pique: "In recent years we've learned from Puyol, Xavi, Raúl, Iker to avoid all the unnecessary nonsense."
Ramos: "We all share the blame for tonight. Pique? Tonight's not the best day to talk about that. One must respect their peers."
Ramos on Pique: "In recent years we've learned from Puyol, Xavi, Raúl, Iker to avoid all the unnecessary nonsense."
It's Pique who's stopping Ramos from his madness too! Oh the ironyFig 2. Ramos learning form Puyol
Fig 1. Ramos learning form Xavi
Fig 2. Ramos learning form Puyol
That was over 5 years go tbf ,it irrelevant to what he said right now tbh .
What he said about Pique was classy IMO as FCBarca said .no need to bring the old stuff back