Gerardo "Tata" Martino


New member
Tata has faced a lot of criticism so far this season but I think we should all remember a lot happens behind closed doors that the fans & press don't know about...

After the CL exit to Bayern we ended last season with almost everyone (fans, press, players etc) saying we needed changes, different tactical options, better fitness training and playing time management etc. Now I'm not pretending to have any inside knowledge, obviously I don't know if this theory is true or not but I have a sneaking suspicion that Tata has been using the first half of this season to try out alternative tactics & styles to possibly use later on to keep opponents guessing and to manage the amount of minutes players are on the pitch and aim to keep everyone fresh for the business end of the campaign. I wouldn't be surprised if the players were told not to waste energy pressing against teams we can beat without that extra effort earlier on in the season in order to help the squad maintain high energy levels against tougher opponents later on. The performance against Rayo really pleased and excited me and made me think has Tata's plan been to keep tiki taka as the team's core but to give the players time to learn some more direct/counter attacking options if we need them later on down the line (so basically keep the style all the players already know, are comfortable with and are extremely good at but also add some other ideas which pretty much everyone was saying we needed after the Bayern games last year) and manage the players' minutes on the field and the amount they are pressing etc to make sure we don't face the same problems we had at the crucial business end of last season (Messi playing with an injury, whole squad looking drained and slow with no energy to press or move the ball quickly enough, only one style of play etc etc etc).

If this is the case then Tata has pulled off an absolute master stroke IMO. After the Rayo game it seems all our players are fit, all are in form, all seem relaxed and happy, regular goal scoring has been spread around 5 players instead of just 1 and we have some other tactical options if we need them.

I could be wrong and obviously we'll see how the match against Man City tonight goes but I feel positive and believe in Tata.



He got the tactics right, but after it was 10 vs 11 men, the team became disorganized. He should have done something. Should also had the balls to sub xavi or cesc for Neymar, and leave alexis or put pedro. If alves didn't score the 2nd goal, things wouldn't be looking as good. There's still a lot to improve.


Wild Man of Borneo
He did what Tito didn't last season. He made us a competitive threat against the toughest opposition rather than the team falling apart at any sort of real difficulty. Well done Tata. Even if he isn't Pep, this guy can hold his own as a manager in Europe against elite opposition. I feel safe with him making the decisions even if the team hasn't been 100% perfect.

Martino: "2-0 is a good result, but we only played half of this game. 17 days ago we lost at home against Valencia, we can't forget that."

And he's still mentally strong after the game, good to see.
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Super Saiyan
He did what Tito didn't last season. He made us a competitive threat against the toughest opposition rather than the team falling apart at any sort of real difficulty. Well done Tata. Even if he isn't Pep, this guy can hold his own as a manager in Europe against elite opposition. I feel safe with him making the decisions even if the team hasn't been 100% perfect.

Good post.


New member
Surely this result means Tata is a tactical genius? :sarcasm:

FACT: Citeh failed to score in 3 of their last 4 games. Mourinho's Chel$ki wins in Manchester and deluded people declare him a "tactical genius". This Citeh side then went away to Norwich and failed to score against one of the worst teams in the Prem. Is Hughton also a tactical genius on a fraction of Citehs budget?

People really need to look at the bigger picture. The reason why Chel$ki won at Citeh was for TWO reasons: 1. Citeh were without Fernandinho 2. Pellegrini played DemiFAILis in a MIDFIELD two. That was the reason why Chel$ki won, NOT Mourinho's "tactical genius".

Because we won 2-0 today doesn't mean our coach is a tactical genius, we played okay and were deserved winners. That's all! :barca scarf:


He got the tactics right today and outclassed pellegriniiooo , applause from me.

Only thing that bugged me was putting sergi on instead song


Great strategy against a very powerfull team. Possession with quality was the key to defend and attack. With out shorty players possession was crucial. Congratulations Martino. Very good. Hope this continue in San Sebastian.


Senior Member
Tata has got this team more difficult to break on.

That is Atletico Madrid x3, Real Madrid and Man City played this season and they have between them scored twice.

Those are three of the top team in europe on the break.

It is easy to say that Barcelona should have been pushing for a second but they just tried to control the game to the end. Dont forget in other games in England like the two against Arsenal Barca tried to attack and dominate till the last minute and went from dominating such games to drawing one and losing the other.

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