Harry Kane


Senior Member
Winning a covid CL no matter who wins it, even Barcelona is still a covid CL.

If Barcelona won it under Laporta & Xavi we would be hearing, it's only because of covid lol


Senior Member
That's just my opinion. I wouldn't count that CL. There were more important things happening in this world than CL.

I can guarantee you if Barcelona would have won the CL we wouldn't count that nonsense empty stadium CL

Maybe half a CL like the post above

No thats not the trolling part the opinion on CL.


Senior Member
Never heard anyone mention covid over Chelseas CL win. Or Liverpools PL title win. Also lol at the claim anyone on this forum would unuironically not count their own CL win cause of Covid, you don't even believe that yourself.


Senior Member
Never heard anyone mention covid over Chelseas CL win. Or Liverpools PL title win. Also lol at the claim anyone on this forum would unuironically not count their own CL win cause of Covid, you don't even believe that yourself.

Of course they dont.

They are trying to troll.


Senior Member
Yes, they did. Covid didn't vaporize in 2021.

In the end that's just ny opinion
I don't count that cl and empty arena football matches that was 1 leg
Never heard of CL having one leg matches

I am sure you believe lyon it whatever that French league team was can beat gusridlas city in a two legged tie

But I get it

Rules are different cause Barcelona lost


Senior Member
Bayern played two less games in that CL v Barca and Lyon.

Massive impact of covid there and those results.

Everyone was in same boat.

Adapt or die.


Senior Member
They played 2 games that became one-legged.
First they won 8-2 against Barca. Second 3-0 against Lyon.
DId we really need a 2nd leg here?
Yes it matters,

Every other winner had to do it, they didn't.

I don't care about empty stadiums, but you have to play the full calendar, like every else did.


Senior Member
It matters to those that want it to matter.

Team have to adapt.

Bayern did and history books says it is a CL.

Bayern played same calendar as everyone else did.


Senior Member
Yes it matters,

Every other winner had to do it, they didn't.

I don't care about empty stadiums, but you have to play the full calendar, like every else did.

It matters to you and @iniestaGOAT
unfortunately for the two of you, your movement of gatekeeping CL titles has not attracted general interest or agreement

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