İlkay Gündoğan


Senior Member
So if Nico Williams activates his buyout clause at half time at the weekends game, is he legally allowed to score a goal for us?


Senior Member
Cant see that happening unless it is a smaller part of some loan then purchase as already claimed.

The rumours are Gundogan wants to leave for free.

There is a rumour of mutual interest between him and City.
He will technically leave for free, as we won't get compensation.
Cancelo loan deal will just be easier as it will cut the waiting game between us and City.


Senior Member
There is a rumour of mutual interest between him and City.
He will technically leave for free, as we won't get compensation.
Cancelo loan deal will just be easier as it will cut the waiting game between us and City.

Yes I know it has been reported he has asked them to go back and being considered.

Just dont see how.. if he can leave for free.. it would be any real impact to a Cancelo deal other than freeing up funds to make it happen.

But that just means Gundo leaves anywhere and Cancelo easier.


Well-known member
Damn, it really looks like Gündogan will leave. Simple logic always told me he wouldn't leave after just one year being here, dragging his family to a new place and also fulfilling his dream playing for Barca. He was also the best player last season.

If he really leaves, I'd give much to know the real reason. Was it the club's pressure to get rid of his salary? But that would be a shabby reason, for they offered him that salary just one year ago.
Olmo's signing and his potential position change to DM? Maybe he doesn't like Flick from his experience in the German national team and only came here because of Xavi? Maybe he feels he's too old for Flick ball to run around that much and anticipates criticism?

I really hope it's his own wish and not through the pressure of the club. Gündogan left City as a captain to come here and he deserves respect for it. If Gündo only leaves because of the pressure of his salary, this would hit our already low reputation like a freight train.
Mais alors, le club devrait abandonner ses objectifs à court terme s'il ne peut même pas faire venir d'anciens joueurs pour l'aider maintenant.

Vous ne pouvez pas avoir les deux.

Pour moi, ce n'est pas un problème de faire venir un joueur plus âgé pour 2 ou 3 saisons et de le vendre après une seule saison si l'offre est bonne et que le joueur est prêt à partir. Personne ne le pousse à partir. S'il veut partir, ce n'est pas mal pour nous, sachant aussi qu'il n'a pas joué aussi bien que les gens l'espéraient la saison dernière, et qu'il a maintenant un an de plus, ce qui aggrave le problème.

Lui et Lewa ne sont pas excellents, mais pas mauvais non plus. Dans le cas de Gundogan, le club a simplement plus d'options pour le remplacer maintenant qu'Olmo a été recruté. À l'Euro, il a joué au poste d'entraîneur adjoint avec 3 attaquants devant (Morata, Nico, Yamal) et l'a fait à merveille.
Laporta a bien commencé avec un plan d'austérité à l'été 2021.
Se débarrassant des gros salaires, mais il jette tout en janvier et en été 2022.
Dépenser de l'argent pour des joueurs sans penser à l'avenir, maintenant nous sommes dans une grande merde, nous ne pouvons pas recruter et inscrire et personne ne veut partir.

À mon avis, il aurait dû maintenir son plan d'austérité jusqu'à l'été dernier, pour combiner les revenus avec l'espace salarial et construire une équipe avec des joueurs de premier ordre, et pas seulement des grands-mères lavées.
Vitor Roque sale, Gundo sale, Faye sale, Lenglet sale - this could result in something good in last days of the window. Sport also reported Newcastle is interesed in Ferran Torres and would pay €30M, probably bullshit.
Selling Faye will be a bad decision imo.
We should sell garcia who was terrible under our shirt.


Senior Member
Laporta started well with an austerity plan in the summer of 2021.
Getting rid of the big salaries, but he throws everything away in January and summer 2022.
Spending money on players without thinking about the future, now we are in a big mess, we can't recruit and register and nobody wants to leave.

He got rid of the big salaries, and decreased the salary mass by a lot. But it is questionable if he could actually carry the club through an austerity period. The club doesn't have that kind of patience and endurance. Austerity periods don't mean La Liga title in 2023 and close to CL semis in 2024.

That's actually luxury for us as a club dealing with these issues. That's closer to high-performance than austerity.

What he's trying to do is carry the club through this phase while remaining competitive at the top. It is of course very difficult.


Senior Member
Everything Laporta gets praised/criticised for is within the context of what he took over.

To argue that the levers have to be pulled to keep the team competitive now at expense of impacting the next 25 years then of course the signings and FFP room etc will be looked at.

There has been a lot more that could have been done with the FFP spent to date and the awful European performances have probably lost the club 150m+.. when the levers were put forward as an argument against that.

What he is doing is short term decisions for his term that others will have to deal with in future most likely.

The best group of players club have are those at club before they took over.

The La Masia they have been left has been huge and hopefully they can carry it on as took a long time to turn round from what was left behind after Laportas last stint.


Senior Member
austerity doesn't work in economics and it doesn't work for clubs.

Last teams to try austerity then come back out of it and be competitive were


Oh wait no, they needed outside investors to come in before that could happen.

Austerity doesn't work,EVER.


Senior Member
Been over this but Barca did not as claimed need to sell players or pull levers to refinance debt and the other teams in Spain did slow down spending for a few years....both Real and Atletico slowed it down.

'Austerity' was never an option. At worst it was working with squad had under FFP rules and reducing the salary over time.

The levers were never the only option either.. as likes of Reverter was said to have left as did not think was best long term solution.

This idea that it was 'austerity' or levers etc is another complete myth.
Hedged with bets that did not pay off, particularly the annual inability to dump massive contracts that again, were inherited by Bartomeu - 4 massive renewals in one go (FDJ, Pique, Lenglet & Mats)

The massive & seemingly insurmountable hurdle of being at the mercy of Frenkie's contract means other high profile talents will have to be pushed out in order to have any flexibility in the squad. due to FFP. There are 2 years left on his contract which means he is not going to budge before he can walk away for free and collect every cent of the remaining 40M (Salary, deferred wages and loyalty bonuses) Barto negotiated with him - odds of a suitor, even ManYoo, covering that in a transfer are improbable
You tire us with your argument about his contract.
Frenkie helped us with his contract, thats a fact.
Sportivly im not pretty sure about keeping him in the squad, he's aslo a one system player, in ajax he was magic in Ten-Hag's 4231 maybe this year he will be magic with Flick.
But i doubt about his ankle, if he stay and suffer another injury it will be very hard to sell him in the future.

Iam very curious to know who are thoses high profile talent in our team?


Senior Member
"Laporta’s big idea for sorting the club’s finances has been pulling financial ‘levers’, which involve the sale of ‘assets’ such as future TV revenues and parts of the club’s business activities. This has raised more than €800million, which allowed for the refinancing of many of the loans inherited from Bartomeu"

Yea we definitely didn't need to refinance barto debt, as laporta and our financial VP came out and said multiple times.

Instead we got 800m to only spend 55m on players, because we wanted to register lewa.

And could have spent another 300m on players if we wanted to, because due to the levels we had plenty of money.

NY times garbage level reporting.



Senior Member
Fake news...again. Or cant even comprehend what are being told.

Who has ever said debt did not need to be restructured?

There was loans taken,out in 2021 for over 500m.... this has been covered.. and more loans available.

Laporta himself said levers would not be getting pulled if not for FFP.

Do better.

Making out Barca 'got 800m to spend 50m' is about the understanding would to nothing.

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