Why don't we compare their stats from this season, when Fabregas actually plays as a midfielder all the time and is trusted by his coach?
Tackles won Fabregas -
36. Rakitic - 12. Fabregas can't defend, yep.

Aerial duels won Fabregas 12 Rakitic 12
Interceptions Fabregas 11 Rakitic
Clearances Fabregas
17 Rakitic 6
Blocks Fabregas 2 Rakitic 2
Total passes Fabregas
1323 Rakitic 941
Chanced created Fabregas
53 Rakitic 17
Assists Fabregas
12 Rakitic 2
Goals Fabregas 2 Rakitic
Shot accuracy Fabregas
67% Rakitic 43%.
If he were used correctly and was trusted to be the main CM, he could have done the job for us. His talent hasn't gone anywhere, and that talent is clearly much superior to Rakitic's. It's annoying that even Mour knows how to use him, but we couldn't. I've seen several interviews of Fabregas after he went to Chelsea and every time he said that he feels happy at Chelsea, he feels important. The lack of trust can make a world-class player seem average.