Ivan Rakitić



Why do you rate him so much, Flavs? Whilst being skeptical about his signing, I was willing to give him time given the circumstances, but the more I see the more his technical deficiences (notably poor control and awareness under pressure) are coming to the fore. He doesn't look like a Barca CM in any respect, personally. Like you said he might do better under a more competent coach, but I'm not convinced if his "better" is Barca quality.
He can do better, at least he did in the beginning. As most players look lost in the pitch nowadays, I'm reserving judgment on him and others. Mathieu also had a huge dip in form. If this is them, though, Enrique is to blame, as these 2 are his signings. Both were better players in sevilla and valencia. They might be adapting or they just don't fit.


Senior Member
Rakitić is good. Just needs more game time and a system.

Good enough for a squad player in the mould of Keita maybe but nothing more than that.

He doesnt have the technical ability to play in tight areas.

It suited him earlier in the season to play deeper with less pressure on ball and where he could use his athelticism to cover for Alves but that system didnt work.

Rakitic is not Barca first team quality and never will be.


Barcaforum must be the only place in the world, except maybe Croatia, where people really think Cesc didn't fit the system while Rakitic does. Rakitic is a worse player than Cesc and that should be the end of it. Real managers extract the best out of a player, and that's exactly what Mourinho does now with him. We bought him from Arsenal, probably to play a 3 at the back system, which Pep did play back in 2011-12 (Cesc's best season). After that, we turned back to 4 at the back and used Fabregas either as a winger, or as a false 9, because Xavi - Iniesta - Busi occupied the midfield. He didn't fit? No shit. He was played in the wrong spot more often than not.



San Claudio Bravo
Raki is a good versatile midfielder for this team. For the longest time, people were asking for a player of a different profile for our midfield to bring a different aspect to our attack. Problem is, they bought him to be a starter and foundation of the midfield, which is something he is not suited. The failure of the team was not in the signing of Rakitic, because he is a good player and was brought for a very reasonable fee; the failure was in thinking he was that cornerstone midfielder when in reality he is not, and not getting the other CM we needed. (more so after they sold Cesc too)


Our midfield is our weakest link now, and it's not only on the players. Rakitic looks afraid, he doesn't try risky passes, ever. He doesn't even shoots from outside of the box, one of his best traits.


Senior Member
Why do you rate him so much, Flavs? Whilst being skeptical about his signing, I was willing to give him time given the circumstances, but the more I see the more his technical deficiences (notably poor control and awareness under pressure) are coming to the fore. He doesn't look like a Barca CM in any respect, personally. Like you said he might do better under a more competent coach, but I'm not convinced if his "better" is Barca quality.

Someone could also raise questions about Suarez' technical abilities, to be honest.
Or some serious questions about Alba (in a lot of areas).

Pedro is Pedro.
Pique is Shakira.
Alves is, lol, Alves.
Xavi is 35.
Iniesta is declining, and he definitely is not the same player as he used to be.
Busi is not Busi anymore.

Basically, the only players who aren't a complete failure currently are Gks, Mascherano, Neymar and maybe Messi.

I am not saying that Rakitic is awesome, but lol, more than half of our current team is not on "Barca's level" on this or that level (either technically, either in intelligence, either mentally, either in physical abilities to perform on the highest level)
3 and a half players are on Barca's or on their personal usual level.


High Definition Member
Our midfield is our weakest link now, and it's not only on the players. Rakitic looks afraid, he doesn't try risky passes, ever. He doesn't even shoots from outside of the box, one of his best traits.

We should have convinced Cesc to stay, he is technically sound (more than Rakitic anyway) and has vision for assists. He was also a good finisher.

Rakitic is a downgrade, but at the time people thought he was an upgrade.


New member
We should have convinced Cesc to stay, he is technically sound (more than Rakitic anyway) and has vision for assists. He was also a good finisher.

Rakitic is a downgrade, but at the time people thought he was an upgrade.

Rakitic was never an upgrade on Cesc's technical abilities, but certainly an upgrade on workrate and defensive duties. And with the current situation and seeing how our midfielders don't bother to even run and track back, Rakitic can be more useful covering for other players' mistakes. It's a shame we're not using Rakitic properly.


We should have convinced Cesc to stay, he is technically sound (more than Rakitic anyway) and has vision for assists. He was also a good finisher.

Rakitic is a downgrade, but at the time people thought he was an upgrade.
Cesc would be having his worst season ever, under enrique. I have no doubt about that.


A midfield of Cesc - Mashce - Rakitić with a proper coach would do wonders imho... but then again... with a proper coach, any midfield could do wonders.


Senior Member
Staff member
I actually believe that Ivan can be a regular starter for atleast 4-5 years. What he needs is a stable midfield partner whom he can feel comfortable with rather than playing one game with Iniesta, another one with Xavi, after that Rafinha, and then get benched.

His current role doesn't fit him. The right central midfield spot is an unusual position now, since Messi always looks to go to a central position. This leaves oceans of space on the right wing and it's up to Rakitic and Alves to occupy that area, which frankly, none of them can handle.

It has to be a different type of player for that RCM position, a "sexier" player like Pogba or Di María who can operate in tight spaces with their technical abilites, but also help out defensively. Not a Koke/Rakitic/Cesc-type of player.
I would prefer someone with pace, a right footed Di María. Maybe Reus would be able to adapt to that position, but for now Pogba is probably the most suited player. Arda is another alternative.

Rakitic would then be playing on the LCM spot as a box-box player, being there for headers and cutting in with his right foot for longshots.


New member
Tbh I never percieved him as a central midfielder till he got here. He was amazing as #10 in 4231 at Sevilla.

At his NT he does play deeper, I remember him being utilized as a wide midfielder too. I don't remember Schalke, think he had Sevilla role there.

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