Ivan Rakitić


Do you even know ANYTHING about balding ? If he would cut his hair , he would look the same or almost the same as Iniesta. Now what's next , Inesta isn't balding ? Even Cesc began to be balding. If you don't know the signs of balding , google it , it's easy.
Balding expert :worthy:


Senior Member
But people here were ridiculing Am when he said Rakitic can't play DM, or that he's not defensively the most solid. And so far he looks vindicated.

Who said he'll play DM? We have two DMs, Busi and Masche. We don't need a 3rd. Instead, we need a more rounded midfielder to do lots of things well, even if that means he won't excel at a single task. He can cover, can track back, can put pressure, can make a great pass, can take a freekick. Not all players have to be artists, we have plenty of those anyway.


San Claudio Bravo
Foul or not, he seemed casual on the ball at times. I didn't see much pressing or the huge defensive output as you say in the sec half. I'm just making an observation. Nothing against the player. But people here were ridiculing Am when he said Rakitic can't play DM, or that he's not defensively the most solid. And so far he looks vindicated.

He wasn't tasked to press. Croatia were only pressing with their 3 forwards, rest of the players were defending in zone. Rakitic was tasked to cover the zone on top of the semi-circle of the box, and he stayed around that area pretty much exclusively cutting passes and passing lanes, and tackling anyone who cam around the zone.

Rakitic is clearly not a defensive midfielder. He is a CM/AM type that can help support the defensive effort, but is never going to be your defensive anchor in the middle of the pitch. He was totally misused today, and still played fairly well despite of it.


Senior Member
Rakitic said to a Croatian Outlet that Neymar gave his team trouble today, and that he's looking forward to playing with him next season.


Wild Man of Borneo
Foul or not, he seemed casual on the ball at times. I didn't see much pressing or the huge defensive output as you say in the sec half. I'm just making an observation. Nothing against the player. But people here were ridiculing Am when he said Rakitic can't play DM, or that he's not defensively the most solid. And so far he looks vindicated.

I don't believe anyone doubted that Rakitic couldn't be DM. I did see workrate though. He was out by his goal-line trying to defend, always confronting the man on the ball in midfield, and whenever he could've provided something defensively he did (2nd half was more about either Croatia being in possession or Brazil passing around the back). If he had Busquets or a DM behind him, being 'defensively secure' wouldn't matter at all since he'd just be adding to our currently weak pressing game.

I wasn't impressed today but I've seen enough of him to know not to take this match as a judgement for him. You're barely getting a glimpse of what Rakitic's game is being chained down in that static defensive role. I hope he gets a better chance in the next few games and does well.


Senior Member
He looked poor any time he was pressed tonight and must have given the ball away 4/5 times in the last 10 minutes in very bad areas.

Decent enough when Brazil dropped deep and allowed him on ball but still to me looks poor defensively if isolated with a player and poor when pressed on ball.

Still cant quite believe Barca think he is good enough but hopefully get proven wrong.


Complaints started early, haha. And someone was saying everyone was praising him like a god :lol:


High Definition Member
Modric is fine playing deeper (his best position actually). But I would have raki instead if kovacic, and a dm next to luka. Or even just swap raki and kovacic around.


Senior Member
I don't believe anyone doubted that Rakitic couldn't be DM. I did see workrate though. He was out by his goal-line trying to defend, always confronting the man on the ball in midfield, and whenever he could've provided something defensively he did (2nd half was more about either Croatia being in possession or Brazil passing around the back). If he had Busquets or a DM behind him, being 'defensively secure' wouldn't matter at all since he'd just be adding to our currently weak pressing game.

I wasn't impressed today but I've seen enough of him to know not to take this match as a judgement for him. You're barely getting a glimpse of what Rakitic's game is being chained down in that static defensive role. I hope he gets a better chance in the next few games and does well.

Where do you think he'd fit in at Barca?


Senior Member
Balding expert :worthy:


Anyway , I will wait a couple of games after he plays for Barca in order to make a first opinion on him. Still , was expecting him to be better this game. But maybe because some users were praising him a lot latelly.


Senior Member
Where do you think he'd fit in at Barca?

Thats my problem as well I dont see where he fits.

He is not going to displace Busquets and for all this talk of him playing a more free box to box role it wont happen alongside Iniesta.

I juts dont see where he fits.

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