Ivan Rakitić


President of FC Barcelona
Im very cool with opinions as everyone are entitled to have one even if they disagree with you, but I am not very cool with people judging him already. There is a difference between having another opinion and simply judging whether he'll do well or not and then claiming he'll be a failure. I don't know if he'll be a success or not, I think he can do very well and fit in, but I hope he manages to do it.


Senior Member
Im very cool with opinions as everyone are entitled to have one even if they disagree with you, but I am not very cool with people judging him already. There is a difference between having another opinion and simply judging whether he'll do well or not - and that even before he has played a single minute in a FC Barcelona shirt.

People are discussing how they see him as a player at Barca.

Only allowed to do that if you see him as improving the team?


New member
Is Lucho's choice guys...So we have to be patient, we don't even know what role he will have in Barca.

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Wild Man of Borneo
We shall see bit I dont agree at all and think Cesc is a vastly superior player at AM than Raktitic and even though not suited to it can control a game better than Rakitic.

What needs to happen this summer is replace Xavi, but all that seems to have happened is that they have taken in an inferior back up who is more happy to be on the bench.

The thing with Cesc is that he always vacated the midfield role to do something in attack. His skillset (scoring, final passes) is literally that of a playmaking attacker minus dribbling ability. Rakitic on the other hand can support midfield play with his well rounded style even if he can't control games like Xavi or link up play like Iniesta. A superior player than Fabregas? No. But he is definitely more of a true midfielder.

So far this summer our squad has improved in midfield. We lost Cesc, but adding Rakitic and Rafinha as well as pushing up Masch means we are pretty well covered. As long as Xavi is well rested (which Lucho seems to be addressing) he can perform well in big games. Rakitic and Rafinha on the other hand have shown on numerous occasions to be fully capable of dismantling most la liga sides (even the strong ones) so I fully trust them in the non-vital games.

Our midfield problems recently have been: overplaying Xavi, playing 3 man midfield in big games with Cesc, Cesc's form in the 2nd half of the season, and a lack of intensity. Theoretically it seems that all of those issues are on their way to being solved.
He looked poor any time he was pressed tonight and must have given the ball away 4/5 times in the last 10 minutes in very bad areas.

Decent enough when Brazil dropped deep and allowed him on ball but still to me looks poor defensively if isolated with a player and poor when pressed on ball.

Still cant quite believe Barca think he is good enough but hopefully get proven wrong.

+1 this is how low we have become, astonishing.


Staff member
We do: Vukojevic. Coach Kovac went too bravely in the game but it's easy to say that now. Had we won or drew, which could easily have happened, not many would complain.


Senior Member
The thing with Cesc is that he always vacated the midfield role to do something in attack. His skillset (scoring, final passes) is literally that of a playmaking attacker minus dribbling ability. Rakitic on the other hand can support midfield play with his well rounded style even if he can't control games like Xavi or link up play like Iniesta. A superior player than Fabregas? No. But he is definitely more of a true midfielder.

So far this summer our squad has improved in midfield. We lost Cesc, but adding Rakitic and Rafinha as well as pushing up Masch means we are pretty well covered. As long as Xavi is well rested (which Lucho seems to be addressing) he can perform well in big games. Rakitic and Rafinha on the other hand have shown on numerous occasions to be fully capable of dismantling most la liga sides (even the strong ones) so I fully trust them in the non-vital games.

Our midfield problems recently have been: overplaying Xavi, playing 3 man midfield in big games with Cesc, Cesc's form in the 2nd half of the season, and a lack of intensity. Theoretically it seems that all of those issues are on their way to being solved.

A dont think he is more of a true midfielder than Cesc at all. He has height and athleticism that Cesc doesnt have but thats about it. Cesc is a lot better at almost everything else.

The squad may well have improved with Rafinha and Masch being pushed into midfield but would still be stronger with Cesc in place of Rakitic in my opinion.

Overplaying Xavi is not the problem it is the fact his legs are well passed their best and he was rested a lot last season and despite that it is clear that he is passed his best. The problem was it was never addressed and still hasnt been as Rakitic is nowhere near good enough on the ball to replace him.

Cescs form in the second half of the season was fine his first year, second year he played a lot at CF and this year his was continued to be forced into the team alongside Iniesta and Xavi which clearly didnt work.

The biggest problem with the midfield the past two years has been a reluctance to replace and ageing Xavi. Selling Fabregas and replacing him with Rakitic makes it an even bigger problem for me.

Unless Messi plays AM behind a CF then I just see all the same problems as the past two seasons.


Senior Member
He just played for Croatia against Brazil and he'll play for Barca the next season, total different stuff so why all this Rakitic shit thrown all of a sudden for a NT game ?!


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