Ivan Rakitić


New member
Added a threat via his corners too...a big upgrade on Xavi's delivery over the last few years. Him and Neymar really should be our corner takers.


Mike the Knife
Things I liked and things I didn't, still too early to tell just how much he could add to the team but overall I love his workrate


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Wasn't he mediocre, not gonna fit the system and a poor mans Kroos? Where are all the praisers coming from


some orgasmic throughballs, nice link-up with Xavi and overall good control of the game and some good interceptions... great player to have in squad


Staff member
Rakitic is invaluable to young Halilovic's settling in and helping out Stegen with the language. I don't think he'll be a regular starter but I've seen worse players winning everything.
In any case, we needed fresh blood in midfield and we got it. They loved him at Seville for his spirit as, surely, we all soon will.

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