Ivan Rakitić


New member
I love how composed he is in tight spaces, always finds the best pass. Also seems to be much better in defense than xavi and fabre. He gave some beautiful passes that could easily lead to a goal. I expect a lot from him!


Vice President of FC Barcelona
The problem I have with signing Rakitic for Cesc is that our midfield won't have that many starting calibre players. We'll have depth and utility, but actual starters? Busquets, Iniesta are world-class... I guess Xavi can put in a shift if he's well rested and is still one of the best at what he does, but who will rest him? Rafinha is very promising but in my opinion not ready to start yet, Mascherano is a fairly solid DM for Argentina but I don't know he would do for us, Song is pretty good if he gets played as a box-to-box but we have yet to see if that will happen, and Roberto and Rakitic seem to both be utility men. What do we do if Iniesta gets injured (as happens quite frequently)? Play Rafinha and pray? Start Rakitic? Even Rakitic's biggest supporters have to admit that there is a huge drop off in quality from Iniesta to him.

Cesc, meanwhile, has arguably the best vision on the planet, puts in a lot of goals, and brings quality. This season, he lost his starting spot to Iniesta after winter break, who finally got back into form, and then Cesc got handfuls of appearances, some at false nine, some at left wing, some as a midfielder in a weird 4-4-2, some as a CM to rest Xavi... of course he's going to be inconsistent! It would be much better to keep him and tell him to just play CM, and organize a 3-man rotation between him, Xavi and Iniesta, with the two in the best form starting the big games, and then Rafinha providing the competition and depth and utility. Now, we have two starters and 3 bench players, with a clear distinction between them. Could it work? Maybe. Is it an improvement to the team? I can't see it being one.

He's a strange signing, I don't think he's a significant improvement on Fabregas.

A dont think he is more of a true midfielder than Cesc at all. He has height and athleticism that Cesc doesnt have but thats about it. Cesc is a lot better at almost everything else.

The squad may well have improved with Rafinha and Masch being pushed into midfield but would still be stronger with Cesc in place of Rakitic in my opinion.

Overplaying Xavi is not the problem it is the fact his legs are well passed their best and he was rested a lot last season and despite that it is clear that he is passed his best. The problem was it was never addressed and still hasnt been as Rakitic is nowhere near good enough on the ball to replace him.

Cescs form in the second half of the season was fine his first year, second year he played a lot at CF and this year his was continued to be forced into the team alongside Iniesta and Xavi which clearly didnt work.

The biggest problem with the midfield the past two years has been a reluctance to replace and ageing Xavi. Selling Fabregas and replacing him with Rakitic makes it an even bigger problem for me.

Unless Messi plays AM behind a CF then I just see all the same problems as the past two seasons.

We shall see bit I dont agree at all and think Cesc is a vastly superior player at AM than Raktitic and even though not suited to it can control a game better than Rakitic.

What needs to happen this summer is replace Xavi, but all that seems to have happened is that they have taken in an inferior back up who is more happy to be on the bench.

Raki is not better than Cesc which some people on here seem to think. He might be better for Lucho's system though but we won't know until he plays. He is nothing special in terms of talent.

If you genuinely think Cesc is rubbish then I feel sorry for you.



Calma, calma

Don't you think you're being amused a little too prematurely? Have you already forgotten the ridiculous start that Cesc had to his Barca career? Flourishing in his archaic free role in front of the midfield three which we all thought would be the new Barca.

On another note, I think there's a good chance Rakitic-Busquets-Xavi will be Barca's best midfield three.


New member
I like him, I'm sure that he will be success here. His work rate and defensive ability is quite better than Cesc's. Also, he seems to be a bit better in tight spaces.

Exactly my thoughts.

He's better in tight spaces, he's quicker, his work rate is amazing for a midfielder… he's a box to box player and he can also help the team playing possession football. He's taller than Cesc, can help us in set pieces. What else ? Cesc is a good player, but Rakitic is definitely a better player for Barcelona.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
I think all these comparisons with Cesc are putting unneeded pressure on him. He even said it himself, I didn't come to replace anyone, I came to play my game. Just let his progression happen organically and enjoy the guy for what he is.


Active member
Wow, what an acquisition! This guy was born to play for Barca. Looking forward to seeing a lot of him this year.



Dat glorious hair.
Rakitic for me has been the best player this preseason for Barca. Perhaps it's just cause I'm excited for the new player or he is trying harder than the established players to prove himself. Maybe a little bit of both. But I just like the new elements he brings to the team as well as being able to play the barca style.

I've loved his passing decision. Always looks for a forward pass instead of going sideways or backwards. I don't just mean through balls to hit a streaking striker. Just simple ground passes to forward players. We NEED that sooooo bad. Only Busquets looks for those balls on a consistent basis.

His willingness to shoot from outside the box. And he's actually good at it.

And he seems to be willing to put an effort in tracking back on defense. He also is 6ft tall so he makes us less Midgety.

I was optimistic about his signing but I didn't realize how good he would fit. Now we just have to see how he plays with Messi, Neymar and eventually Suarez.

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