Ivan Rakitić


Senior Member
The point is that a player much better than Rakitic realised when it was time to leave.

The point is, such a claim is a total nonsense, to put it nicely
Xavi should have been a bench player after 2012 season.
His ability to impact the game was decreasing, his defense was getting worse and even his assisting ability was decreasing. A younger Cesc and more important Thiago failed to get his place.
He challenged Tata when he was a coach because he didn't like his ideas. No player should do that.
Puyol reached a point where he couldn't ignore his health issues. When he retired he talked about how daily life activities is painful for him, things like walking or stairs etc. No body can seriously say Puyol realised his time to leave. He didn't even realise the time to stp for his own health.
Iniesta might get a pass since he was still better than most of our options, no young and upcoming talent was there to take his place and he left relatively early. He was 33 in his last season

Puyol gave his heart and soul to Barca and was one of the best defenseman in the world.

What does "gave his heart and soul to Barca" even mean? Rakitic has gave us all his effort during his time here, was always a coach favorite among all the coaches he played with. His effort is one thing that can't be questioned.
He forced his way to Barca, was a huge bargain deal because he wanted to come here and refused to sign a renewal.
Puyol , who is my all time favorite player, has overstayed here. Was one of the best paid players in the club. Formed a legacy here. It isn't like he was doing it for free (neither do Raki btw)
And once he retired, Puyol became an agent who made Eric Garcia leave for free, Bartra leave for cheap etc.

Rakitic doesn't own the club much to leave "it is his time to leave", he will leave if it makes sense for him. It is up to the club and his agent to get him and offer that makes him leave.


Senior Member
I agree with De Bruyne, but the rest are all roughly equal or defensive midfielders (as you said, but you shouldnt overblow such a list with incomparable players to make it look good). Same with attacking midfielders, who probably should have been paired WITH Rakitic.


Well-known member
I agree with De Bruyne, but the rest are all roughly equal or defensive midfielders (as you said, but you shouldnt overblow such a list with incomparable players to make it look good). Same with attacking midfielders, who probably should have been paired WITH Rakitic.

Are you serious? Overblowing list with defensive guys? What has Rakitic been the last couple of years? Peak Iniesta as a CAM? He has played as a defensive guy almost in line with Busi so yeah defensive players who are miles better than him count too.

This is my last post since I am simply tired of arguing about this guy.

-Vidal and Saul are pure box to box mids. Both have better than Rakitic in the last 2 or 3 years, saying otherwise is plain wrong.
-Kante is 2 levels above him defensively and as much as a workhorse Rakitic was, he is nowhere near Kante when it comes to covering ground. I personally would have preffered this guy over Rakitic. At least we would not get trampled over as much.
-Thiago at the same level or a defensive guy? Dude, wake up. He is both better defensively and ofensivelly. Not really arguable.
-Rodri is Busquets and Rakitic rolled into 1.
-Pjanic and Fabinho are better playmakers and like to get stuck in too. Also better options than Rakitic.

I would give you Eriksen and Silva as "overblowing" but not really. Like I said in the previous post, you don't have to agree with me and I certainly don't agree with what you wrote in that post. Have a nice day!
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Senior Member
What is the purpose of this post? On the one hand you basically said something everyone agrees on and on the other one you are claiming he had more important role with 20 minutes on the pitch than Rakitic who was indisputable starter last year?!?! Come on dude. In CL final Xavi didn't influence the game at all. He was nowhere near his level in his last season here and that's a fact. Same goes for Iniesta who had ONE outstanding game that season and that's in the Copa final. No one sane would claim that Rakitic is on the level Xavi or Don were but some posts here are absurd!

The purpose of the post was to explain that 14/15 Xavi helped Barca when he came on instead of the post that claimed he was levels behind current Rakitic. He came on in the Last 15/20 minutes and helped keep possession of the football. The opponents can't hurt you when you have the ball after all. That trait has been something we have missed when we have been steamrollered by teams at times. I never claimed he was better than Rakitic that season in the post. Just rubbishing the notion that Xavi was useless.
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Active member
In a fair world this guy would be a random fan at camp nou and cheering from the stands but life is not fair so instead of cheering he is actually playing for us.
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Senior Member
In a fair world this guy would be random fan at camp nou and cheering from the stands but life is not fair so instead of cheering he is actually playing for us.

2016: when klopp took his team to the camp nou to watch rakitic and co :lol:


: Klopp's team thrashes us with the same above-average players

...GOATverde magic :valverde:


Well-known member
I’d pay someone to take Rakitic off our hands then l I’d drop Neymar now and put the money to getting Dybala and Sergej Milinkovic-Savic .

What a squad !!


Active member
2016: when klopp took his team to the camp nou to watch rakitic and co :lol:


: Klopp's team thrashes us with the same above-average players

...GOATverde magic :valverde:

Who embraced us with goatverde magic? all hail bartololmeu:bartomeu: just magical and the magic doesnt stop not even for the next season:lol:

Arizona Scott

New member
Banned. I mean, everyone is entitled to an opinion. You can rate Saviola higher than Messi but this one has a history of trolling.

give me a break. posters are not banned for calling current players pieces of caca and you ban someone for this. i mean i dont agree with the posters positions at all but it wasnt ugly or demeaning or as distasteful as the messi whiners/blamers.


I’d be surprised if he goes anywhere. It seems that he’s not particularly keen on leaving anyway, even if the club has allegedly put him on the market.

Additionally, the sort of clubs who could pay his salary and/or he would be interested in going to, won’t be in interested in him. Perhaps someone like Inter/Milan might be stupid enough to give him a three year deal, but I’ll be surprised.


our midfield should be either

Frenkie-Rakitic-Arthur or Arthur-Frenkie-Coutinho

either way, Rak should stay with Busi and/or Vidal leaving


New member
give me a break. posters are not banned for calling current players pieces of caca and you ban someone for this. i mean i dont agree with the posters positions at all but it wasnt ugly or demeaning or as distasteful as the messi whiners/blamers.

Tackle is known to be a troll though. That opinion is stupid as hell and it is obvious that he is trolling.
No sane person would put Rakitic in the same line as legends like Xavi and Iniesta.

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