Ivan Rakitić


Staff member
Banned. I mean, everyone is entitled to an opinion. You can rate Saviola higher than Messi but this one has a history of trolling.


Senior Member
The point is that a player much better than Rakitic realised when it was time to leave.

Raketa10 already explained.
Xavi was benched and left only when he received a lucrative offer Asia.

People are now romantic as if Puyol, Xavi and Iniesta left because they wanted to help to a club.
Puyol left aged 36, totally ruined by injuries and he played 13 and 5 La Liga matches in his last 2 seasons.
Why didn't he leave earlier?
I mean, he loved the club, he could have helped us to save wages since he knew that he is not good enough anymore and injured all the time.
Yet, he stayed in the club in the last 2 years, received huge wages even though he was 35 and 36 and injured all the time.
Such a good guy. Way better than a cancer Rakitic who is 31 and doesn't want to leave the club :lol:

Iniesta left aged 34 when he received a crazy offer from Japan, plus he got a chance to expand his restaurants and wines in Japan.
So more: money, money, money.
What a good guy Iniesta. He left a club aged 34 only when he received a similar offer from Japan...
He left only when his personal interests received a good offer.

Xavi, left aged 35 for insane wages to Quatar.

What is next in order to shit on Rakitic?
I am waiting for a post when someone will offer an equal BS with saying: this cancer Rakitic won't leave. And even a good guy Neymar left (and sued us for a loyalty bonus) when he has realized that he is not good enough for a club anymore.

You guys can hate Rakitic, but these excuses with good guys Xavi don't make any sense.


Well-known member
Comparing all time legends to Rakitic is stupid. Puyol gave his heart and soul to Barca and was one of the best defenseman in the world. Same with Iniesta and Xavi.

My point:

These players (Xavi, Ini etc) were impossible to replace but we can find new Rakitic. Of course we keep Messi as long as possible.


Well-known member
Oh ffs, the initial argument was that both knew when to quit while Rakitic doesn't, despite their level not being worse than the Croatian. Not that someone was comparing how good each of them were at their peaks. But some of the posters have made it their daily job to spin everything in order to defend this guy.


Senior Member
Oh ffs, the initial argument was that both knew when to quit while Rakitic doesn't, despite their level not being worse than the Croatian. Not that someone was comparing how good each of them were at their peaks. But some of the posters have made it their daily job to spin everything in order to defend this guy.

Dude let's be fair, this street goes both way! Some of the posters have made their daily job to spin everything in order to attack this guy. Problem is that the truth lies somewhere in between.
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Senior Member
In which universe Xavi and Puyol knew when to quit?
Puyol was unplayable for the last 2 seasons at least.

Xavi was benched by Rakitic himself, imagine how his level dropped then, lol.

For example, we have Busi now who is in similar shoes with Rakitic and 35 years old Xavi.
Rakitic: people say that he doesn't know when to quit.
Busi: what about him. He is obviously way weaker than the prime Busi. In fact, even his current level is on a verge of being a starter/bench player.
So, what about Busi? Does he know when to quit or not? Or since he is a club legend and since his former level was high, he is now allowed to prolong his Barca's career for a few years too long?

Also, I can already see that one day we will have a same discussion about Messi.
In which moment will his level drop too much so that it would be better for a team that he leaves?
Or should we keep him until the age of 38 or 40 due to his former achievements?

Imo, you guys are giving a pass to Xavi and Iniesta because they were=well, Xavi and Iniesta.
Iniesta was almost a non factor for the last 2 seasons in bigger matches.
He couldn't dribble anymore and he couldn't defend anymore because his legs were gone.
Xavi was a part of midfield which lost a title in 2014 and in 2015 he was replaced by a mighty Rakitic himself.

Btw, Xavi has a salary of 10M Euros in Quatar, and he has just signed a new 3 year's deal, until 2022.
So, he will play until the age of 42 and he will still earn 10M per year aged 41 and 42.
He will earn 70M only in salaries in Quatar after leaving Barca.
And God knows how much money from sheiks off the table in shady bonuses.

Do you guys seriously believe that Xavi left Barca ONLY because he felt that a club will be better without him?
And that he didn't leave because he had an even better (and longer=more years) offer from Quatar?

Ah, a good old romantic bias.
Good players/good guys=La Masia players, young players, forum's favorites (usually young players or La Masia (young) players)
Bad guys/cancer players=Rakitic, Suarez, or whoever plays on a position of forum's (young) favorite and is hindering his development
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Senior Member
Yeah, the argument that Xavi, Iniesta and Puyol etc pp knew when to quit is sentimental bullshit. But they were rightfully treated differently, because they were legends. Rakitic is not. Im very happy we had him the last few years, but right now we have 8(!) midfielders. Someone has to leave - otherwise its not a fair situation for anyone.

Who should leave in your opinion? Rafinha + 1 of Busquets/Rakitic/Vidal is the logical choice. And there Rakitic presents the best case to leave (regarding potential fee, player type and status).


Senior Member
In which universe Xavi and Puyol knew when to quit?
Puyol was unplayable for the last 2 seasons at least.

Xavi was benched by Rakitic himself, imagine how his level dropped then, lol.

For example, we have Busi now who is in similar shoes with Rakitic and 35 years old Xavi.
Rakitic: people say that he doesn't know when to quit.
Busi: what about him. He is obviously way weaker than the prime Busi. In fact, even his current level is on a verge of being a starter/bench player.
So, what about Busi? Does he know when to quit or not? Or since he is a club legend and since his former level was high, he is now allowed to prolong his Barca's career for a few years too long?

Also, I can already see that one day we will have a same discussion about Messi.
In which moment will his level drop too much so that it would be better for a team that he leaves?
Or should we keep him until the age of 38 or 40 due to his former achievements?

Imo, you guys are giving a pass to Xavi and Iniesta because they were=well, Xavi and Iniesta.
Iniesta was almost a non factor for the last 2 seasons in bigger matches.
He couldn't dribble anymore and he couldn't defend anymore because his legs were gone.
Xavi was a part of midfield which lost a title in 2014 and in 2015 he was replaced by a mighty Rakitic himself.

Btw, Xavi has a salary of 10M Euros in Quatar, and he has just signed a new 3 year's deal, until 2022.
So, he will play until the age of 42 and he will still earn 10M per year aged 41 and 42.
He will earn 70M only in salaries in Quatar after leaving Barca.
And God knows how much money from sheiks off the table in shady bonuses.

Do you guys seriously believe that Xavi left Barca ONLY because he felt that a club will be better without him?
And that he didn't leave because he had an even better (and longer=more years) offer from Quatar?

Ah, a good old romantic bias.
Good players/good guys=La Masia players, young players, forum's favorites (usually young players or La Masia (young) players)
Bad guys/cancer players=Rakitic, Suarez, or whoever plays on a position of forum's (young) favorite and is hindering his development

100% true. I can't get to the head of someone who claims Rakitic is a bastard since he won't leave Barca for any club?! Like some of you would go to Manchester from Barcelona for less money! Yeah right. :lol:

I will break it out for you. He will leave only under 2 conditions:

1. Barca tells him they don't want him anymore


2. He gets a better salary with secured contract for the next 3-4 years in some other big club.
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Senior Member
Xavi still had a crucial role to play in the treble winning season, coming on with 20 minutes to go helping to ensure calmness and control. It wasn't like we were blowing teams away all the time, Real Madrid at home game was still 2-1 and in the balance Xavi came on. Same with the Champions League final at 2-1 Xavi came on. PSG away in the quarter final, Xavi was excellent and came on in the 53rd minute.

Something which by the way has been severely lacking since, as midfields of Rakitic - Busquets - Iniesta/Gomes/Denis/Turan(LOL) were getting absolutely bullied and blown away and no one could come on to change it.

In fact there was times when Xavi was performing better than Iniesta that season. Rakitic benched Xavi because he was 34/35, he was supposed to bench him, you can't have a guy at that age playing 90 mins to a high level every week.

Xavi was a generational midfielder, I get that Rakitic hate is over the top and he is good at times but Xavi was and always will be on a whole different level.
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Senior Member
Xavi still had a crucial role to play in the treble winning season, coming on with 20 minutes to go helping to ensure calmness and control. It wasn't like we were blowing teams away all the time, Real Madrid at home game was still 2-1 and in the balance Xavi came on. Same with the Champions League final at 2-1 Xavi came on. PSG away in the quarter final, Xavi was excellent and came on in the 53rd minute.

Something which by the way has been severely lacking since, as midfields of Rakitic - Busquets - Iniesta/Gomes/Denis/Turan(LOL) were getting absolutely bullied and blown away and no one could come on to change it.

In fact there was times when Xavi was performing better than Iniesta that season. Rakitic benched Xavi because he was 34/35, he was supposed to bench him, you can't have a guy at that age playing 90 mins to a high level every week.

Xavi was a generational midfielder, I get that Rakitic hate is over the top and he is useful at times but Xavi is and always will be on a whole different level.

What is the purpose of this post? On the one hand you basically said something everyone agrees on and on the other one you are claiming he had more important role with 20 minutes on the pitch than Rakitic who was indisputable starter last year?!?! Come on dude. In CL final Xavi didn't influence the game at all. He was nowhere near his level in his last season here and that's a fact. Same goes for Iniesta who had ONE outstanding game that season and that's in the Copa final. No one sane would claim that Rakitic is on the level Xavi or Don were but some posts here are absurd!
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Staff member
Guy said Xavi didn't age well like Rakitic. That's where he revealed himself. Xavi 2011.

He comes back with same shit he is gone for good.


Well-known member
Let's make it clear, he had only one year where he was Barca quality, otherwise he was someone who was just there. It didn't come as a surprise that Lucho wanted to replace him in his third year. Problem is he wanted to do that with fecking Gomes. But here came the mediocrity that is Valverde, who doesn't know what quality midfielders are if it hit him with a truck, and gave Rakitic another 2 years at the club when any manager that knows his shit would have benched and sold his ass after half a year of watching him ploding around.

The sentimental bullshit is us not being ruthless with any of our deadwood. Being sentimental with our legends who helped this club became the best in history is understandable at least, what's the excuse of supporting pure mediocrity? Don't answer, I'm done here.


Senior Member
Let's make it clear, he had only one year where he was Barca quality, otherwise he was someone who was just there. It didn't come as a surprise that Lucho wanted to replace him in his third year. Problem is he wanted to do that with fecking Gomes. But here came the mediocrity that is Valverde, who doesn't know what quality midfielders are if it hit him with a truck, and gave Rakitic another 2 years at the club when any manager that knows his shit would have benched and sold his ass after half a year of watching him ploding around.

The sentimental bullshit is us not being ruthless with any of our deadwood. Being sentimental with our legends who helped this club became the best in history is understandable at least, what's the excuse of supporting pure mediocrity? Don't answer, I'm done here.

How many midfielders in the last few years were Barca quality? Probably just Modric. Rakitic was the next best thing and personally Im glad he was here. Now we have two great prospects in Arthur, who is a better talent than Rakitic ever was, and Frenkie, who already is a much better player. I still think our squad would be a lot stronger with Rakitic, but we are simply overcrowded in midfield.


Well-known member
How many midfielders in the last few years were Barca quality? Probably just Modric. Rakitic was the next best thing and personally Im glad he was here. Now we have two great prospects in Arthur, who is a better talent than Rakitic ever was, and Frenkie, who already is a much better player. I still think our squad would be a lot stronger with Rakitic, but we are simply overcrowded in midfield.

Come on!

Vidal, Thiago, Pjanic, Silva, De Bruyne, Kante, Saul, Eriksen, Fabinho, Rodri(last year) would all have been improvements over Rakitic after 2016-2017. Yeah, yeah, they don't all play the same positions, however, even if they aren't as rounded as Rakitic, what they are specialized in blow Raki out of the water. Personally I'd rather have a player thatbis world class in one aspect than a guy that is just middling in all aspects.

Ok, let's just move on as I don't rate this guy as much as some around here so yeah. Let's just agree to disagree.

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