Jean Marie Dongou


Senior Member
Graham didn't say he was the next messi so the their can be only one makes perfect sense as much as it makes no sense, he is Dongou and at 16 he has a more developed and rounded game than messi did, messi at his age was all about the individual, he has a much better sense of team play. doesn't say he will be as good are better, but who knows maybe he will be.

it would be interesting though to see how things would have developed for him, if pep weren't in charge, where he has more a more considered approached to youth development some would have just looked at the talent and promoted him to at least the b team by this.

He would either go the way of bojan or messi. with pep, he is at least certain of reaching the level of a pedro, though the kid has been skinning defenders 4 years his senior since being promoted to the A team last season, like messi.
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Mike the Knife
I think it's universally agreed that Dongou has a lot of promise and there's a good deal to be looking forward to...But at 17, I still remember thinking, he could be better than Ronaldinho...I don't ever get that sort of feeling with Dongou - I think he could be any number of things when it's all said & done but I couldn't even ponder comparing him to Leo's level at 17


New member
Idk why anyone would compare him to Messi in the first place. Maybe he was saying potential wise, but still that's pretty hard to believe. For those who haven't seen him play, youtube is a terrible source to judge any player you've never watched.


New member
not impressed by the youtube videos, needs more step overs and long range shots
In my opinion that's absolutely bullshit, you can be a world-class player without excelling in these skills. Also; never judge by youtube videos; watch him playing and you'll understand why a lot of people call him a big talent.


Mr. Japes
In my opinion that's absolutely bullshit, you can be a world-class player without excelling in these skills. Also; never judge by youtube videos; watch him playing and you'll understand why a lot of people call him a big talent.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
From Sport:

Dongou, un león camerunés enamorado del fúbol

Dongou es juvenil de primer año pero, con doce goles, ya lucha por el pichichi de la División de Honor

Dongou es una pieza clave en el juvenil A blaugrana

El Barça lo vio con la selección de Camerún en tres torneos de fútbol base disputados en Tenerife, Lanzarote y León antes de incorporarlo a mitad de la temporada 2007-2008. Desde entonces, Jean Marie Dongou se ha propuesto triunfar en el Barça.

De momento, va camino de ello. Su éxito también será el de su familia, que reside en Mbanga, un pueblo al oeste de Camerún. Es el menor de cinco hijos y el único varón entre cuatro hermanas. Los ve varias veces cada año, pero menos de lo que querría. Su vida, básicamente, transcurre entre las paredes de la Ciutat Esportiva, entre los campos de entrenamiento y La Masia. De hecho, puede pasar una semana entera sin salir de allí. Entrena con el juvenil por la mañana, come, descansa y estudia en Sant Joan Despí y todas sus horas libres las dedica, casi exclusivamente, al fútbol, su gran pasión. Además de ser el máximo goleador del equipo de Òscar Garcia, no se pierde ni uno solo de los partidos que emiten en televisión. Desde la Premier hasta la Liga Adelante, todo le interesa. De hecho, ha sido un ferviente admirador de Ronaldo desde que estaba en el Barça y ahora lo es de Rooney. También le interesan los entrenamientos del resto de equipos de la cantera y sus partidos el fin de semana.

Duerme con Miguel Ángel y Bagnack, su mejor amigo, habla catalán gracias a la inmersión lingüística que algunos quieren eliminar y, sobre todo, marca goles. Es, a sus 16 años, juvenil de primer año y, con 12 goles, es el máximo goleador del equipo, por encima de Cristian Herrera, que suma 10. Compite con Rufo (Espanyol), que ha marcado 15 y Ernest (Nàstic), con 13. En la NextGen Series suma 8 tantos. Es un nueve clásico que domina las dos piernas y que debe mejorar el remate de cabeza y ganar movilidad. Es joven, tiene tiempo y ganas de aprender.


straight from google translate:

From Sport:

Dongou, a lion in love with the Overall total Cameroon

Dongou is youthful first year but, with twelve goals, and to fight for top scorer in the Division of Honour

Dongou is a key player in the youth A blaugrana

Barca saw the Cameroon team in three youth football tournaments played in Tenerife, Lanzarote and Leon before adding half of the 2007-2008 season. Since then, Jean Marie has been proposed Dongou succeed at Barca.

For now, it is on track. Its success will also be the family, which resides in Mbanga, a village west of Cameroon. He is the youngest of five children and the only boy among four sisters. You see them several times each year, but less than they want. His life basically runs between the walls of the Ciutat Esportiva, including training camps and La Masia. In fact, you can spend a whole week without leave. Train with the youth in the morning, eat, rest and study in Sant Joan Despi and all his leisure hours were devoted almost exclusively to football, his passion. Besides being the top scorer of the team of Oscar Garcia is not lost even one of the games broadcast on television. From the Premier League to Come, all you are interested. Indeed, it has been an ardent admirer of Ronaldo since he was in Barcelona and now of Rooney. Also interested in training the rest of the youth teams and their matches this weekend.

Sleep with Michelangelo and Bagnack, his best friend, speak Catalan language immersion through some want to eliminate and, above all, score goals. It is, at age 16, first year junior with 12 goals, is the top scorer of the team, over Cristian Herrera, who has 10. Compete with Rufo (Espanyol), who has scored 15 and Ernest (Nastic), 13. The NextGen Series adds 8 points. Is a new classic that dominates both legs and must improve the header and gain mobility. He is young, has time and inclination to learn.

yeah the first sentence in the last paragraph is a bit misleading google:troll:

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