Joan Laporta


Senior member
Where do hundreds of millions of euros in loans come in to providing a more secure future?

I was referring to the structures at the top of the club, not the financial aspect :p
Barca extending the presidential term to provide for more stability, and Madrid creating their little board of advisers to ensure that swift manager changes don't impact the squad in the worst possible manner.


I'm split on it to be honest, 6 years gives continuity and a chance for a board to really see through its project, especially if reelected giving a president a 12 year mandate overall. Stability at the top is a great thing and a moció de censura should only be used in the most extreme of circumstances. To be honest I think 4 years is a very short amount of time in the world of football so a 6 year term is better for the club.

4 is, 4+4 maybe, but 5 with another possible 5 is actually good enough to call it continuity. Plus, lets not forget...politics, a campaign means our case ( face to state politics ) those promises may be realizable.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I think Bardh's overstretching in this article and trying to play the expert in matters he doesn't know too much about, that's why he's getting some much deserved stick from pretty much everybody at the bottom of the page.


Staff member
I wouldn´t criticize a person CA. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Particularly if he can be so eloquent and argumentative in expressing his views.

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I wouldn´t criticize a person CA. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Particularly if he can be so eloquent and argumentative in expressing his views.

I'm sick to the back teeth of hearing the tired old cliché "everyone's entitled to their opinion"....well that's pretty damn obvious isn't it? By expressing my disagreement I'm merely contributing my own opinion. Eloquence doesn't come into it.

It's a good article and good to hear different opinions. Although I completely disagree with it.

I thought you were Bardh :wacko:


The Observer
great article , i agree with it fully ..even if Adam don't want anyone disagreeing with the club official line


The Observer
Shocking news everybody! A madridista agrees with an article criticising Barça...:lol: :lol: :lol:

i guess it's shocking to you to read anyone writing " no i don't like what my club is doing " ;)

needless to say you've heard me say the same thing before the article was written..

maybe there is another point of view than yours

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I actually wasn't speaking about the comments relating to the Ibra deal, I've echoed similar thoughts myself and although we differ in our assessments of the players involved I'd never criticise anybody for that.

When I said that Bardh is overstretching I was referring to his statements regarding training, friendlies etc. some of which suggest that he is some kind of expert in these matters, ahead of seasoned professionals and successful employees of the club. The point about Km travelled is a case in point, he totally skips over the fact that we are playing the same number of pre-season games, far less than in the seasons he tries to equate this pre-season to when claiming that it's a recipe for disaster. A few extra hours on the plane make far less difference than the four games less that we're competing in compared to 2007.

His point about ball work and training methods also suggest that he's some sort of professional fitness trainer which I somehow doubt. Anybody with a decent knowledge of football is aware that different coaches have different theories on how to get the squad fit for the new season, some say that footballs shouldn't be on the training pitch for a fortnight, others introduce the ball straight away but most importantly they do it in a specific manner, drilling the players in a way that will get the job done in terms of improving stamina, fitness etc. Both schools of thought have enjoyed success. To suggest that a manager such as Pep who plans training down to the last detail will duddenly become lax in his preparations is a total flight of fantasy as far as I'm concerned and Bardh is typing before engaging the brain.

maybe there is another point of view than yours

I know that, it's called the wrong one ;) (joke!)


The Observer
Ah ok.. than sorry for the misunderstanding .. i was talking about the Ibra deal..

and :lol: @ the "wrong " one

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Laporta's pretty much declared open season on himself IMO after his words about madrid and then this deal. I'm a fan of Zlatan but I think 99% of culés would recognise that the deal itself is just plain stupid.

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