Joan Laporta


Senior Member
Staff member
Could somebody explain that sum to me?
Is it something that always needs to be done by a new president or is it a result of Bartomeu's office?


Well-known member
Could somebody explain that sum to me?
Is it something that always needs to be done by a new president or is it a result of Bartomeu's office?

It always needs to be done by a new president and is normally just a formality. 15% of the budget is a lot though after the club's growth in recent years.


Well-known member
Barca's club statutes demand that the executive board are "liable for their actions" while in charge and the bank guarantee is a way of protecting the club against being run irresponsibly.



Mike the Knife
Yeah, it makes no sense - wonder if Laporta will pursue damages with Bartomeu considering the mess he has gotten the club into. What's the point of a financial guarantee up front if they leave the club worse off when they leave and not be held accountable?


Senior Member
It's a guarantee likely won't be paid unless the club is run into dire finances.

Basically the state that Bartomeu has left the club in. So the question is has Bartomeu paid his guarantee out?

I bet he weasled out because of covid.


Senior Member
Yeah, it makes no sense - wonder if Laporta will pursue damages with Bartomeu considering the mess he has gotten the club into.

Laporta has presented himself as a unifying figure during election.
If anything, he was way more nice to past board than Font for example, I really can't see him going after Barto.


Well-known member
Covid is a good excuse as revenue forecasts were good. Bartomeu calculating on the edge was risky, but even that can be explained as he invested the money into the team. Barca is owned by its fans, therefore money should be invested into the team and big profit is not really the target. Buying Griezmann and that Arthur-Pjanic swap were bad sporting decisions and he should be held responsible for that, but hard to sue him for it.

On the contrary, spending club's money to discredit its own players and ex-players indeed is something he should be held responsible for. 1M is not a lot in the bigger picture, but Bartomeu definitely should be sued for that and pay damages.


Mike the Knife
Laporta has presented himself as a unifying figure during election.
If anything, he was way more nice to past board than Font for example, I really can't see him going after Barto.

I don't think he will pursue it either but I believe he should do, prudently - not like how Rosell & Bartomeu barely had become official when they stripped Cruyff and filed a lawsuit

Accountability is fundamental to a true house cleaning, perhaps would also expose Grupo Godo for how they have ignored or perpetuated the corruption for so long


Senior Member
Covid is a good excuse as revenue forecasts were good. Bartomeu calculating on the edge was risky, but even that can be explained as he invested the money into the team. Barca is owned by its fans, therefore money should be invested into the team and big profit is not really the target. Buying Griezmann and that Arthur-Pjanic swap were bad sporting decisions and he should be held responsible for that, but hard to sue him for it.

On the contrary, spending club's money to discredit its own players and ex-players indeed is something he should be held responsible for. 1M is not a lot in the bigger picture, but Bartomeu definitely should be sued for that and pay damages.

Agreed. He was betting on unmitigated economic growth which even without covid is playing on the edge. Huge transfer fees, highest salaries in the world, no sports planning post his election mandate. Disaster.

Needs to be looked it for the shady deals involving players like Matheus, Gustavo Maia also. These are players nowhere near the Barcelona level but bought for millions off the intanglible "future Brazilian talent".

I recall when I was in the business in Asia, clubs could justify any dodgy deal in excess if it had an exotic Brazilian or South American on the end of it. Shame to see that in the 2020's a club of Barcelona's magnitude were still trying it.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Is Eduard Romeu becoming the economic VP a price Laporta has to pay for getting money from Audax? Some sort of powerplay here? I hope not.


Well-known member
Is Eduard Romeu becoming the economic VP a price Laporta has to pay for getting money from Audax? Some sort of powerplay here? I hope not.

Or Audax is giving money because Romeu is becoming the economic VP. Somewhere inbetween, I'd say. Of course this gives Romeu more influence, can't run from that.

I've read somewhere Laporta was looking for other sources to avoid that. Guess they settled on a deal.

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