Joan Laporta


Culé de Celestial Empire
Or Audax is giving money because Romeu is becoming the economic VP. Somewhere inbetween, I'd say. Of course this gives Romeu more influence, can't run from that.

I've read somewhere Laporta was looking for other sources to avoid that. Guess they settled on a deal.

Pretty much. I have read that initially Giro was going to give or bring some of the money needed for the guarantee. Not sure if the reason Giro had been with Laporta's campaign was due to the money he was going to bring or Laporta saw some real qualifications in Giro. Or both.

Whatever happened, I hope Romeu has the best interests of the club at heart, not just answering his boss at Audax. By the way, I believe most of the club directors, both current and in the past have/had ties to the club, ie. most of them are socis, right?
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Well-known member
Pretty much. I have read that initially Giro was going to give or bring some of the money needed for the guarantee. Not sure if the reason Giro had been with Laporta's campaign was due to the money he was going to bring or Laporta saw some real qualifications in Giro. Or both.

Whatever happened, I hope Romeu has the best interests of the club at heart, not just answering his boss at Audax. By the way, I believe most of the club directors, both current and in the past have/had ties to the club, ie. most of them are socis, right?

Some speculate Giro wanting more power due to the money he'd help secure for the guarantee was the reason for parting ways. Which seems plausible, but no point in guessing at this point.

I think both of them have great resumes and qualifications to lead big opprations. As a president, you can't run from influence unless you can vouch yourself. The question of innovation and novelty remains, but there are others who could contribute.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Some speculate Giro wanting more power due to the money he'd help secure for the guarantee was the reason for parting ways. Which seems plausible, but no point in guessing at this point.

I think both of them have great resumes and qualifications to lead big opprations. As a president, you can't run from influence unless you can vouch yourself. The question of innovation and novelty remains, but there are others who could contribute.

If those speculations are true I'd say it is a wise move from Laporta to part ways with Giro as quid pro quos are always bad, and nobody should have unbridled power just because he/she brought money to the table.

Regarding Romeu, I was a bit bothered by the fact the Audax brought in money and their VP becomes the club economic VP. Romeu is probably very qualified, and thinking about it, it is very much in Audax's interest that we prevail economically so their money doesn't goes go down the drain. ;)
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Senior Member
If those speculations are true I'd say it is a wise move from Laporta to part ways with Giro as quid pro quos are always bad, and nobody should have unbridled power just because he/she brought money to the table.

Regarding Romeu, I was a bit bothered by the fact the Audax brought in money and their VP becomes the club economic VP. Romeu is probably very qualified, and thinking about it, it is very much in Audax's interest that we prevail economically so their money doesn't goes go down the drain. ;)

From the reports Giro was not wanting 'unbridled power' but stepped back after discussions when would be more of an advisor on the financial side rather than a decision maker and the goal posts had moved.

Fair enough really if campaign is run with you being put forward to help save such a key area of club at stands and then not have control over it once elected. Can see why backed out.

Hopefully the board now is qualified and not just made up of a bunch of random indviduals who could promise the money at last minute and effecitvely bought their way on rather than based on qualifications to be there.


Culé de Celestial Empire
From the reports Giro was not wanting 'unbridled power' but stepped back after discussions when would be more of an advisor on the financial side rather than a decision maker and the goal posts had moved.

Fair enough really if campaign is run with you being put forward to help save such a key area of club at stands and then not have control over it once elected. Can see why backed out.

Hopefully the board now is qualified and not just made up of a bunch of random indviduals who could promise the money at last minute and effecitvely bought their way on rather than based on qualifications to be there.

Let's hope.


Well-known member
Not the best translation, but interesting to read:

Jos? El?as, the great savior of Bar?a

The great savior of Bar?a. Businessman and entrepreneur in equal parts, Jose Elijah Navarro (1976, Badalona) is the owner of three Ibex companies and some others. And now the last to sign an endorsement that unlocks the future of Bar?a and opens a new stage full of unknowns, risk and illusion, precisely the preferred playing field of an unusual businessman but with proven solvency. “I will be the last to sign, so I will sign whatever is missing”, he advanced before the final signature of the guarantee of 124.6 million euros for the accounts of Bar?a. El?as confesses himself “a great admirer and follower of Joan Laporta“and that is why you want to be” behind “your project with your heritage.

Jose Elijah in the future it will be the object of attention that it has not enjoyed in the past. It is not part of the Catalan business ‘establishment’ and its notoriety always comes more from the facts than from speeches or positions defended in the usual business forums. Your parent company is Audax (It has 66% of the capital), a vertically integrated energy firm that has profitably understood the inexcusable nature of renewable energies. It has been a few years since the firm exceeded 1,000 million in turnover and weathered the storm of last year with a net profit of 26.4 million euros, 3.8% more, and a turnover of 969,300 million.

The vice president of the Audax group, Eduard Romeu, will be a member of the juntaHe will contribute his own financial resources and will also personally supervise the efficiency of the financial contribution and that it is not wasted. “I am aware of the risks that I assume,” he assured yesterday in the face of direct allusions and the question of the reasons that lead him to endorse the ‘Laporta project. “” I keep my promise, “he replies.

He explains that the day he hired Eduard Romeu, he made four requests of him; a salary of 500,000 euros, being able to go everywhere by taxi, being able to live in a hotel and that if the company exceeded one billion euros in turnover, it would support him to be president or join the board of Bar?a. None of the requests was accepted except the last one, El?as acknowledges, since at that time it sounded like an entelechy to achieve that growth. “But Eduard Romeu is a financial genius and we managed to exceed 1,000 million. The first thing that happened is that Eduard knocked on the door of my office to remind me of the promise.” El?as acknowledges that he has been in contact with Laporta for a year and a half. And to fulfill their promise, he and Eduard chose a winning bid.

“Wizard of Finance”
“But it doesn’t make sense for me to put my money into a project that I don’t control,” acknowledges El?as. It is not Audax, he insists, who takes the risk. It is El?as, who, since he cannot enter the board, delegates to Romeu the supervision of the proper use of the resources contributed. “Eduard is an emotional man, of unlimited cul? sentiment and a financial wizard. He is the best person to refinance Bar?a’s debt. I keep my promise to help him and I am capable of assuming the financial risk, but not the sporting one. No I have no idea about football. Eduard and I are the same. ”

To be the last to sign is to assume that in the end he is the great savior of Bar?a. In return, he acknowledges having already received the first income. “Until today few knew me and did not talk about Audax.” Faced with the distrust of his interlocutor, he clarifies: “It is possible that my companies benefit from the revenue from my connection with Bar?a, already at this time, but if anything we will benefit thanks to Bar?a, but not from Bar?a’s businesses,” he promises. “The ‘Llotja’ of the Bar?a is different from the box of the Bernab?u”, assures. He thinks that “in Madrid you drive a Ferrari and doors open for you, while in Barcelona we try to be the poorest in the meeting.

It may interest you

El?as is the self-made man who approaches Bar?a’s gigantic machinery and will have a hard time maintaining his current life. And that also enjoys anonymity. “Every day I do the same, I go to have breakfast at the 2.5 euro bar,” he confessed a couple of years ago. He defines himself as a “frustrated architect.” He did three subjects but had to reinvent himself with the death of his father at the age of 19. He likes to design houses with the help of qualified architects, houses with personality and their stamp of eccentric features. “Everyone is obsessed with taking that part of my life from me and it turns out that it is one of the ones I like the most,” he admitted recently in an informal conversation.

Industrial technical engineer, electrical specialty, by the UPC, must now face an adventure perhaps incompatible with his mimetic affability. Another of his hobbies is also high-flying, the kind that takes you away from the ordinary citizen. He has his own aeronautical company and often pilots his own helicopter over Barcelona. In moments of disruption, a champion of the unpredictable is drawn around Bar?a, fond of finding imaginative solutions to situations that would distress the majority.

@Luftstalag IIRC you have to be a Socio to become a board member, that's why Jose Elias can't be a board member.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Not the best translation, but interesting to read:

@Luftstalag IIRC you have to be a Socio to become a board member, that's why Jose Elias can't be a board member.

Thanks, a good read. Sounds like Romeu is really passionate about Barca and Jose Elias fulfilled his promise to Romeu (traveling everywhere by taxi and being able to live in a hotel? Those two are odd :lol:) and sees that his business benefits from being connected to us. Let's hope Romeu is the financial genius that Elias said he is.


President of FC Barcelona
Audax will not look to make money off the club, but probably use to build up themselves even more and ensure that the club's funds aren't misused as they surely don't want to stand responsible and have to pay their part of the guarantee if it comes to that.

Multiple big business people in this new board and executive structure this time. Hopefully it'll help the club get out of this mess.


President of FC Barcelona
The Jaume Roures part is going to kick up a big fuss though.

Godo and Roures have a long feud and so does Rosell and Roures lol.

Rosell is btw invited to the transition of power/inauguration tonight.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
The Jaume Roures part is going to kick up a big fuss though.

Godo and Roures have a long feud and so does Rosell and Roures lol.

Rosell is btw invited to the transition of power/inauguration tonight.

Yeah, I was surprised that Jaume Roures/Mediapro chipped in 30m euros apparently for Laporta, given there were some beef between the club and Mediapro (naming rights offer controversy and two lawsuits Mediapro filed against us). Since we won the suits and now Laporta is in charge, perhaps a new page has been turned?


President of FC Barcelona
Yeah, I was surprised that Jaume Roures/Mediapro chipped in 30m euros apparently for Laporta, given there were some beef between the club and Mediapro (naming rights offer controversy and two lawsuits Mediapro filed against us). Since we won the suits and now Laporta is in charge, perhaps a new page has been turned?

Roures issue was always with Rosell/Godo and it's more political than anything else before it turned personal.

Roures more pro-Catalan independence whereas the latter more unionist. Laporta obviously is more pro-independence too, but I hope he doesn't bring politics into the club.

I doubt Roures will have any influence on the club. Won't be on the board, but probably contributed since he supports Laporta and also to spite some other people.


Yeah, I was surprised that Jaume Roures/Mediapro chipped in 30m euros apparently for Laporta, given there were some beef between the club and Mediapro (naming rights offer controversy and two lawsuits Mediapro filed against us). Since we won the suits and now Laporta is in charge, perhaps a new page has been turned?

Laporta and Roures have been friends for 20 years and they belong to the Cruyff Foundation.


Senior Member
Audax will not look to make money off the club, but probably use to build up themselves even more and ensure that the club's funds aren't misused as they surely don't want to stand responsible and have to pay their part of the guarantee if it comes to that.

Multiple big business people in this new board and executive structure this time. Hopefully it'll help the club get out of this mess.

Good point. A week ago few new who Audax were. Now everybody (hyperbole- you get the idea) knows who they are and this is just the start. If you look at the companies current markets and the renewable energy trends, there is definitely huge potential for expansion. Which being attached to FC Barcelona can assist in.

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