best city in the world.
Doesn't look like Stockholm to me.
best city in the world.
New electionsWhole process starting again.
125ME as guarantees is a disgrace though. There should be a limit.
He is still negotiating.
mes que un circus?
To take office, Laporta and his executive board must first present a bank guarantee worth 15% of Barca's budget within 10 days of being elected.
Wednesday marks the deadline for Laporta to come up with the guarantee, which must also be ratified by La Liga.
Barca's club statutes demand that the executive board are "liable for their actions" while in charge and the bank guarantee is a way of protecting the club against being run irresponsibly.
The statutes add that the members of the board should be "equally liable for [the total amount] unless individual or internal agreements are made between the members of the board for a different distribution of liabilities."