Joan Laporta


Senior Member
Doesn't mean the decisions they've took were the right ones. Just as it doesn't mean that Laporta only took good decisions or that getting rid of Messi the way he did was right.

Sorry, but Barcagate and giving out contracts <200.000 Euro to avoid financial oversight say otherwise.


Senior Member
Sorry, but Barcagate and giving out contracts <200.000 Euro to avoid financial oversight say otherwise.

They would probably argue that even Barcagate was intended to be in interests of club although used for self promotion also.

It wasnt used to attack players in way is often made out when look at it. Still clearly wrong the way they did it though.


Senior Member
Rosell or Barto acted in the best interest of the club also. The biggest contracts, sponsors and revenue came in their eras. Don't think any of these idiots wanted to hurt the club intentionally. After all if Griezmann, Coutinho and Dembele would have delivered we wouldn't be here. Hell, it would have been even easier to part ways with Messi.

Laporta just lied and pissed off our best player ever and for what? To keep this image of a good guy? Surely to win the elections and do things his way. Which I understand, but not like this and not when you get some more dubious players on free contracts and you don't ditch any of the deadwood in the squad.

Spends 5 months in office and audit numbers suddenly are not right just when you have to renew Messi? What a load of shit. An internal audit takes 5 months? Many of us in here can do simple arithmetics, most of the contracts of players are known and revenue numbers are presented in detail by Delloite every year. Laporta didn't even come up with some numbers from that audit. This tune about the harsh inheritance was played by every Barca president that came into office. Is also played by every politician.

Anyway, I'll never forgive this bastard for the way he booted out Messi. Fucking oil clubs have more respect than this.

Bartomeu did what's best for the club? 🤣🤣🤣
, I stopped reading there.


Senior Member
Bartomeu did what's best for the club? &#55358;&#56611;&#55358;&#56611;&#55358;&#56611;
, I stopped reading there.

Exactly. Bartomeu sistemtically raised the wage bill and did some wasteful transfers. Combine those with COVID and you have a financial disaster.


Senior Member
Bartomeu did what's best for the club? ������
, I stopped reading there.

There's a nuance you deliberately omitted or misinterpreted. I didn't say he did what's best. Just as Laporta fucked up, doesn't mean he wanted to fuck up intentionally as to see the club crumble.

That's why Laporta left us in debt the last time he was president?
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Senior Member
There's a nuance you deliberately omitted or misinterpreted. I didn't say he did what's best. Just as Laporta fucked up, doesn't mean he wanted to fuck up intentionally as to see the club crumble.

That's why Laporta left us in debt the last time he was president?

Where he did it intentionally are not is irrelevant, that's now how business works, the fact of the matter is that he was inept, he failed in his management of the club ineptitude is ineptitude is business. Their is no I didn't intend for the business to fail, there is only the fact that the business failed during your time at the head, when you got the club in a excellent position and left it on its knees.

They're mistakes and their is ineptitude, two totally different things, the first one doesn't fly in business when it's repeated failure.


Well-known member
Bartomeu is the kind of person, politician type, who will tell you what you want to hear, meanwhile sweeping all problems under the rug. That's why you love him, because he never talked about issues at the club, but promises of greatness.


Senior Member
Bartomeu is the kind of person, politician type, who will tell you what you want to hear, meanwhile sweeping all problems under the rug. That's why you love him, because he never talked about issues at the club, but promises of greatness.

Laporta is exactly the same in being a politician and has swept issue of Messi and other players signing on under the carpet until point no longer could.

Six months ago he was more or less saying Messi will stay and likes of Haaland are options.


Senior Member
Look it up.

Mr. Miserable strikes again.

Serious question/s.

Are you married/girlfriend?
Average looking/not so much?
Manager are higher/worker bee?
How much do you make 6 figures are less?.

Because you are involved in going around "correcting", people on a internet forum and just generally being miserable to me someone that is regularly sexed, has a good looking wife/gf and is generally doing well in life.

You need to chill a bit "Mr it's not him it's the board".


Senior Member
Where he did it intentionally are not is irrelevant, that's now how business works, the fact of the matter is that he was inept, he failed in his management of the club ineptitude is ineptitude is business. Their is no I didn't intend for the business to fail, there is only the fact that the business failed during your time at the head, when you got the club in a excellent position and left it on its knees.

They're mistakes and their is ineptitude, two totally different things, the first one doesn't fly in business when it's repeated failure.

yes it is. you pointed out that bartomeu didn't do what's best for the club, even if i never said that.

add covid to laporta's last tenure and we are pretty much in the same position as now. and it's not me trying here to make out as if bartomeu was somehow good. they are all bad because in the end it's not their money. if it were their money they would handle the situation in a different manner. and they wouldn't be trying to sign superstars on a conveyor belt.

PS: we have reached 1st position in the world in terms of revenue during bartomeu's era, without a dream team and without pep. so don't know really who is the better businessman between him rosell or laporta. we can debate on that and look at the numbers.
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Senior Member
Mr. Miserable strikes again.

Serious question/s.

Are you married/girlfriend?
Average looking/not so much?
Manager are higher/worker bee?
How much do you make 6 figures are less?.

Because you are involved in going around "correcting", people on a internet forum and just generally being miserable to me someone that is regularly sexed, has a good looking wife/gf and is generally doing well in life.

You need to chill a bit "Mr it's not him it's the board".

Haha 'Mr Miserable'... you are the one bitching and asking inane questions.

Try harder with your trolling than that effort.... when not even 'corrected'.


Senior Member
yes it is. you pointed out that bartomeu didn't do what's best for the club, even if i never said that.

add covid to laporta's last tenure and we are pretty much in the same position as now. and it's not me trying here to make out as if bartomeu was somehow good. they are all bad because in the end it's not their money. if it were their money they would handle the situation in a different manner. and they wouldn't be trying to sign superstars on a conveyor belt.

PS: we have reached 1st position in the world in terms of revenue during bartomeu's era, without a dream team and without pep. so don't know really who is the better businessman between him rosell or laporta. we can debate on that and look at the numbers.

Bartomeu'a revenues which is all he talked about were accounting "tricks" much in the same way we sold authur for "70m", if it was actually sustainable revenues, we wouldn't be the worst hit club because if covid by a mile.

Revenues are the single easiest thing to inflate in business, you can literally do it in such a way that it looks perfectly fine on paper even for auditors, but one misstep (cough covid cough) it all comes falling down.
You gotta take a minute to understand these things my friend, read a business 101 book,(I mean no disrespect when I say that).

Our supposed record revenues fell by half a billion dollars because of covid? 😂. Nah they were never that high in the first place, why is why he needed instant loans to keep us a float.

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