Joan Laporta


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Those who are pissed at Laporta, do you guys honestly not believe that he's acting in the best interests of the club?


Senior Member
Those who are pissed at Laporta, do you guys honestly not believe that he's acting in the best interests of the club?

I think most of us are pissed of how he managed the situation not the actual outcome.

If not for the CEO Laporta would have dragged the club into a mess by emotionally still going after Messi, this same delusion from him nearly fucked Messi because he was not upfront with him and he could have told him since early summer so Messi would have more choice than PSG or ManCity !

Personally i don't care about the lying stuff and him being called that by Jorge & Tebas on live during his speech, but that's some na?ve stuff from him.


Senior Member
Messi has been free to negotiate with other clubs for 6 months. And was flirting with leaving last year.

The only other options in Europe were going to be PSG or City. Places where we has teammates or management he knows, that will allow him to be on his terms.

Messi at PSG will be about trying to get a CL again, while coasting and avoiding injury in the league so he is at 100percent for the World Cup.

Paris St Barbecoa


Senior Member
Laporta did the right thing.
From start he hired high profile management guys and he put his trust in them, our CEO was the CEO of way bigger organisation in Germany, and only accepted to leave there because he is Catalan.

Losing Messi is hard pill to swallow for Laporta, he is one of his biggest fans and as a politicians he knows it destroys him and gives him the worst possible start of his term.
But the best interest of the club is above any player or board member, and when the people you hired tells you that it mortgages the future of the club to sign the CVC deal ,while Liga tells you it is the only possible way to register Messi then I really respect what Laporta has done.
A true politicians who puts his self interest above the club would have signed the deals immediately.

It is tough, and we might be fucked badly in the short run, but one thing I am sure about: Laporta will leave a much healthier club to his successor.


Active member
As early criticaster of Laporta(regarding the handling of Koeman nohomo) I am still behind him. He wants to clean up the mess and in no way was it ever not going to messy. Only in a few years will we see the fruits of his labour and look back on today and either think how good things were still(lol) or this was all a necessity in the long run.

So why he didn't first tried to offload the bums that don't contribute? And then why he signed other bums on fat contracts again? Even free. He pushed away the only player capable of deciding games in the squad. That is good management to you? Also, the lying bastard constructed his campaign on renewing Messi. Meanwhile, we are without him, but still with Busquests, Pique, Dembele, Umtiti etc.


Active member
Laporta is the best thing the club currently has. All players are disposable. Even likes of De Jong can be sold for a right price.

Let's sell everything then. We will put you in defense, than jamdav in the midfield. Barca OG in attack. Then, the other 8 players, you three are gonna scout them, ' cause you know football so much.


Senior Member
The new signings should be registered unless the Liga decides not to interpret Messi not renewing as savings, which basically destroys the club in both short and long term.

That just sounds an awful lot like he doesn't actually know if that's going to be the case. Which would be exactly what I'm talking about. Laporta shouldn't sign players before it is actually officially confirmed that these can be registered. At worst he should've asked Tebas for a written guarantee that these deals can in fact be registered. And not proceed to sign 4 players and then sit there and say "hopefully Tebas is pog about it". If Laporta was president at City or PSG then that would just be counted as an oopsie at worst. But he is the president at a club with over 1bn in debt during a global pandemic.

This happening at any other club would be half as bad, but Barca at his point should be the last ones to gamble around and do any ANY signing without guarantees or sales beforehand.

If he doesn't do that deal, then he is conceding entering the season without a single reinforcement, and probably conceding losing Messi too. That is basically giving up on top 4 finish which we can't afford

The way I see it Barca has bigger issues than top 4 finishes at this point. 90% of the revenue is dumped just into wages (after Messi left that is), meaning that this number has to be reduced either way. Yes, it will cut into revenue, but more importantly it cuts costs which is a bigger issue. If Barca doesn't want to go bankrupt and become a private company at some point then it is unavoidable that the club will eat dirt for the next 5 or even 10 years. So top 4 finishes should already not be a priority anyway. Barca has to phase out the high earning top stars and work with cheap players and whatever is coming from La Masia (which at the moment isn't even too bad anyway), that's just the only way to go forward at this point even if it sounds boring.
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Senior Member
Those who are pissed at Laporta, do you guys honestly not believe that he's acting in the best interests of the club?

Rosell or Barto acted in the best interest of the club also. The biggest contracts, sponsors and revenue came in their eras. Don't think any of these idiots wanted to hurt the club intentionally. After all if Griezmann, Coutinho and Dembele would have delivered we wouldn't be here. Hell, it would have been even easier to part ways with Messi.

Laporta just lied and pissed off our best player ever and for what? To keep this image of a good guy? Surely to win the elections and do things his way. Which I understand, but not like this and not when you get some more dubious players on free contracts and you don't ditch any of the deadwood in the squad.

Spends 5 months in office and audit numbers suddenly are not right just when you have to renew Messi? What a load of shit. An internal audit takes 5 months? Many of us in here can do simple arithmetics, most of the contracts of players are known and revenue numbers are presented in detail by Delloite every year. Laporta didn't even come up with some numbers from that audit. This tune about the harsh inheritance was played by every Barca president that came into office. Is also played by every politician.

Anyway, I'll never forgive this bastard for the way he booted out Messi. Fucking oil clubs have more respect than this.


Well-known member
Rosell or Barto acted in the best interest of the club also. The biggest contracts, sponsors and revenue came in their eras. Don't think any of these idiots wanted to hurt the club intentionally. After all if Griezmann, Coutinho and Dembele would have delivered we wouldn't be here. Hell, it would have been even easier to part ways with Messi.

Laporta just lied and pissed off our best player ever and for what? To keep this image of a good guy? Surely to win the elections and do things his way. Which I understand, but not like this and not when you get some more dubious players on free contracts and you don't ditch any of the deadwood in the squad.

Spends 5 months in office and audit numbers suddenly are not right just when you have to renew Messi? What a load of shit. An internal audit takes 5 months? Many of us in here can do simple arithmetics, most of the contracts of players are known and revenue numbers are presented in detail by Delloite every year. Laporta didn't even come up with some numbers from that audit. This tune about the harsh inheritance was played by every Barca president that came into office. Is also played by every politician.

Anyway, I'll never forgive this bastard for the way he booted out Messi. Fucking oil clubs have more respect than this.

Bartomeu didn't piss off Messi?

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