Joan Laporta


President of FC Barcelona
Apparently Laporta's brother in law (also a Barca employee, cause why not) leaked the list of players Xavi deemed surplus for next season.

This fat clown needs to get the fuck out of the club.

It's actually worse as he's not a Barca employee. No record of him being mentioned anywhere as such and he's not on the club's payroll officially, but he is always present at every meeting with Laporta getting confidential club information about negotiations and other stuff while being an outsider on paper.


Senior Member
I said I appreciate Allemany and Planes as professionals. Planes was not Laporta's choice, he found.
Who are all the other 'good professionals' that Laporta picked as a top recruiter?
Deco? Xavi? Rafa Marquez for Barca B? or all that trash he has accumulated close to him in the board like Echeveria?

Enlighten us here, because everybody and Laporta's mother knows that he hires people based on political alliance, friendship, and returning favors like he does with the transfers with Mendez and Zahavi

Barca hires dozens of professionals, if not hundreds mate. You just picked three names that makes headlines in the media.
Folks like Reverter and Eduard Romeu are top professionals who were overqualified for their jobs here, and as I said most of the top professionals are in other departments other than the Football ones. Not all the names are in my head atm but you can find many others if you are willing to invest time.

In sport department: Araujo is very good professional in the head of scout team, Mike Puig who was director of La Masia is a Barca legend who only worked under Laporta. Never mind plenty of guys whom he got in other teams (Femeini, Basketball & handball) and while Bartou has actually done good job in those teams, Laporta has managed to continue the good work during austerity and many leaving for better pay day that we can't afford. None of the aforementioned were nepotism or "family" hirings.

Not sure why keep mentioning Marquez btw, he is arguably the best B team manager we had since Lucho and is very likely to get a job offer in first division football soon. He is a very good hire.
Deco? I mentioned all along that is actually one of the most futuristic hires that Laporta made, agents turning into GM/SD is one successful trends in other sports except for football, but good strategy is as good as it's execution, we will see how good is Deco soon. We don't know if he is good or bad yet but he is more experienced than most SD we had. Everyone is a rookie at some point.
Xavi? I mean you say you are happy for Alemany, but it is confirmed that he is the one who talked Laporta into it and didn't have a problem kicking Planas out during the process to get him. So why blame Laporta and praise Alemany at the same time?

We have yet to buy a Mendes agent btw, and only Zahavi client we signed was Lewa. Flick is 2nd but our interest in him was 2 years before he had him as a client.


Senior Member
Barca hires dozens of professionals, if not hundreds mate. You just picked three names that makes headlines in the media.
Folks like Reverter and Eduard Romeu are top professionals who were overqualified for their jobs here, and as I said most of the top professionals are in other departments other than the Football ones. Not all the names are in my head atm but you can find many others if you are willing to invest time.

In sport department: Araujo is very good professional in the head of scout team, Mike Puig who was director of La Masia is a Barca legend who only worked under Laporta. Never mind plenty of guys whom he got in other teams (Femeini, Basketball & handball) and while Bartou has actually done good job in those teams, Laporta has managed to continue the good work during austerity and many leaving for better pay day that we can't afford. None of the aforementioned were nepotism or "family" hirings.

Not sure why keep mentioning Marquez btw, he is arguably the best B team manager we had since Lucho and is very likely to get a job offer in first division football soon. He is a very good hire.
Deco? I mentioned all along that is actually one of the most futuristic hires that Laporta made, agents turning into GM/SD is one successful trends in other sports except for football, but good strategy is as good as it's execution, we will see how good is Deco soon. We don't know if he is good or bad yet but he is more experienced than most SD we had. Everyone is a rookie at some point.
Xavi? I mean you say you are happy for Alemany, but it is confirmed that he is the one who talked Laporta into it and didn't have a problem kicking Planas out during the process to get him. So why blame Laporta and praise Alemany at the same time?

We have yet to buy a Mendes agent btw, and only Zahavi client we signed was Lewa. Flick is 2nd but our interest in him was 2 years before he had him as a client.

Lots of excuse-washing here and little sound argumentation

1) Planes leaving was Xavi's wish. Go read Planes interview, he said it very clearly.
Xavi had his own plan, he wanted to be a de facto SD of the team, with Jordi confirming his decision.
A terrible idea from every point of view one can see it. Not even Pep or Klopp enjoy that much power in their clubs

2) I think we agreed that Allemany was taking care of the business side of things, not the sporting one.
Hence he can't be blamed for any sporting decisions really

3) Deco has 0 credentials before becoming SD. Being an agent has nothing to do as a skillset with being an SD. It's more close to the business role Allemany has than the SD role (still far from Allemany's role of course). And that is precisely the problem with Laporta's terrible management. He doesn't hire people based on their professional profile (with Deco had 0) but based on friendship/political allegiance, etc.

Then, I don't really see all that positive talk about being a recent trend.
SD is someone who is supposed to have expertise, and that starts with implementing the whole structure from methods on how to identify transfer targets, from data analysis, to what football philosophy first team uses. Deco had nothing to show in all of these.

4) You are overpraising Marquez work to whitewash his hiring. He is def. not the 'best Barca B manager' we had and all that unjustified hype. He has shown some promising coaching signs? Maybe
But again, you overlook the elephant in the room:
How was Marquez hired? Again in the VERY SAME MANNER Deco was hired, and not based on professional merit

5) Cancelo and Felix only played for us this season because they were Medes players. And that is I think beyond doubt given every reliable source. Kicking Ansu out was done again because Mendes is his agent. Same with Nico who was sold to Porto in a deal with ridiculous conditions for Barca.
Flick got Zahavi as an agent precisely because he knew that Laporta works like that and does/returns favors to agents.

6) Reverter left soon, like Allemany, because Laporta was not on the same page with them.
The other names you mention I haven't followed/researched, but It's as clear as daylight that Laporta is aggregating people to work in the Barca organizational chart
without a) method, b) plan, c) strategic vision, d) based on professional credentials

If some Allemany or some Reverter that he brought HAPPENED to be good professionals, it's really irrelevant, because they were not hired because of this, but because they were allied with Laporta or Laporta returned/asked for some favor in exchange.

It's high time for you to admit that this model Laporta runs the club on is both unacceptable and ineffective for the contemporary era of football-business


Senior Member
Laporta's presidency summed up:


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