Joan Laporta


Senior Member
For me the idea to open up socio membership to the whole world is a crazy idea.

Barcelona could potentially no longer represent the Catalan people and it would bring and end to the whole core of that the club is about.

If I were a Socio in Barcelona there is no chance I would be wanting that to happen.

In one breath he makes out the board are not Catalan enough or representing the region the next minute he wants to bring in an idea that could take the club out of their hands.


Senior Member
But barca is a worldwide club now so everyone should be able to be a part of it . Its the way it used to be run until rossell changed it. Also more socis will mean more income for the club which can only be a good thing


Senior Member
But barca is a worldwide club now so everyone should be able to be a part of it . Its the way it used to be run until rossell changed it. Also more socis will mean more income for the club which can only be a good thing

Not for me I would rather the decisions such as electing a President or voting on stadiums or sponsorship remains a decision made largely by the Catalan people.

The club ceases to represent them if those decisions are being made world wide.

The whole 'More Than A Club' idea is about the club representing the Catalan people. Taking that away is not the right way to go in my opinion.


Senior Member
Im sure the voting procedure will still take place at the camp nou so unless a foreigner feels very strongly on some issue i cant just see them flying into vote . Also at the moment anyone can still become a soci although you have to go through the pointless commitment card process


Senior Member
Im sure the voting procedure will still take place at the camp nou so unless a foreigner feels very strongly on some issue i cant just see them flying into vote . Also at the moment anyone can still become a soci although you have to go through the pointless commitment card process

Laporta has already said they are looking to implement 'electronic voting'.

As I understand it the moment you cant become a socio that votes unless you meet certain criteria.

I just cant see how him saying this will be a vote winner. You are essentially asking people to vote on becoming less powerful. While it is a bit of a contradiction to make out the club does not represent the area well enough politically etc then next stance is to make the club less representative of the area.


Senior Member
Will there is currently socis all over the world and it was always open to everyone before rossell came in and changed it to benifit himself. So i cant see current socis being unhappy with the club reverting back to old ways. It could also possibly help get a lot more catalans get involved with the club who perhaps didnt want to go through the current process to become a member


Senior Member
Will there is currently socis all over the world and it was always open to everyone before rossell came in and changed it to benifit himself. So i cant see current socis being unhappy with the club reverting back to old ways. It could also possibly help get a lot more catalans get involved with the club who perhaps didnt want to go through the current process to become a member

How did changing the socios to a more 'local' membership vote benefit Rosell?

He was elected on the back of that being one of his main promises so people wanted it to happen.

You cant claim on one hand that it is a good thing as Barcelona is a 'global club' then say it may get more Catalans involved. The current process means most Catalans could be involved if they wanted to be.


Senior Member
Y can you not say that they are a worldwide club yet reopening it could help get more catalans involved. Currently catalans have to go through the same process as everyone else to become a member unless they have a relative who is a current soci. Alot of them might not have wanted to go through the commitment card process.

By rossell closing the membership process after he won basically meant he basically knew that if those who voted for him still backed him he would be assured the majority votes in any reforms he wanted to bring in that needed voting for such as the redevolpment of the camp nou. He also raised the number of soci signatures required for a vote of no condfidence from i think 5000 to 15000 thus further securing his place


Senior Member
Y can you not say that they are a worldwide club yet reopening it could help get more catalans involved. Currently catalans have to go through the same process as everyone else to become a member unless they have a relative who is a current soci. Alot of them might not have wanted to go through the commitment card process.

By rossell closing the membership process after he won basically meant he basically knew that if those who voted for him still backed him he would be assured the majority votes in any reforms he wanted to bring in that needed voting for such as the redevolpment of the camp nou. He also raised the number of soci signatures required for a vote of no condfidence from i think 5000 to 15000 thus further securing his place

You are making out that Rosell just somehow decided to close off the membership after the election to keep himself in a job.

Rosell ran with the commitment to do that. People voted for it. They also voted to up the number of people for vote of confidence.

This idea that more Catalans will be able to join doesnt add up, it may the case for a small minority but most who want to be a member already can be. there is no doubt that opening up membership can only lessen the Catalan influence at the club.

You said it yourself in wanting it to be more of a 'worldwide club'.

Why would the members vote to weaken their own vote in the future?

Maybe they will and they would rather an extra few million from new Socios but I cant see it.


Senior Member
That's not the same as internet voting, just making the voting process more modern.

You may well be right. I took it as him saying electronic as in online. Maybe not.

Do you want membership opened up again?

I just think Laporta is shooting himself in the foot with this idea and cant see it being attractive to socios.

There are people who live thousands of miles away that have every right to become a socí and to vote… when we’ll implement the electronic voting.

Thats sounds to me like he is planning on making voting online.
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President of FC Barcelona
You may well be right. I took it as him saying electronic as in online. Maybe not.

Do you want membership opened up again?

I just think Laporta is shooting himself in the foot with this idea and cant see it being attractive to socios.

There are people who live thousands of miles away that have every right to become a socí and to vote… when we’ll implement the electronic voting.

Thats sounds to me like he is planning on making voting online.

You've got it wrong. He's talking about using an electronic voting system/machines to make it easier for people to cast their votes. And opening membership so people all over the World can become members, but would still need to come to Barcelona to cast their votes. The assembly is in Barcelona. No one can or will open an internet-voting process because it's simply not secure enough.

And should membership be opened? Yes it should. We're losing more and more members because the membership process have become very difficult where you'll have to be related to someone to become a soci or hold a committment card for two years after which you may become a soci.....or not.

If they keep this system then we're just gonna keep losing members. Not everyone can renew their memberships either when you have set a specific time period for the renewal process. It's just stupid unless they want to make it Catalan members only.
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Senior Member
You've got it wrong. He's talking about using an electronic voting system/machines to make it easier for people to cast their votes.

Thats not the way he discusses it.

Laporta is asked about 'electronic voting' as discussed by other candidates and says he favours it and tried to implement it in past. The main candidate discussing it has been Majo who clearly says it is about opening up voting online to people around the world. You can read that here -

If Laporta was only discussing a new way of voting in person at Barcelona he would have distinguished himself from the idea of it as internet voting. He doesnt do that he does the opposite and links it to the 'Big Challenge' idea of his term before and clearly states it will make it easier for people thousands of miles away to vote.

Changing the system to electronic voting at Camp Nou doesnt make it easier for people thousands of miles away to vote.


President of FC Barcelona
Thats not the way he discusses it.

Laporta is asked about 'electronic voting' as discussed by other candidates and says he favours it and tried to implement it in past. The main candidate discussing it has been Majo who clearly says it is about opening up voting online to people around the world. You can read that here -

If Laporta was only discussing a new way of voting in person at Barcelona he would have distinguished himself from the idea of it as internet voting. He doesnt do that he does the opposite and links it to the 'Big Challenge' idea of his term before and clearly states it will make it easier for people thousands of miles away to vote.

Changing the system to electronic voting at Camp Nou doesnt make it easier for people thousands of miles away to vote.

It's not gonna happen. Majo or Laporta or whoever talks about it. Internet voting is just not secure enough and then you'll have candidates promising sunshine and rainbows and people will vote for them sitting far away trusting them blindly. Won't happen.

Btw JamDav, as said in the article he's talking about a biometric voting system which is NOT internet voting. If they want people to vote in Japan then they'll have to arrange for the biometric voting machine in the Official Penya there and that's complicated enough for this not to materialize IMO.
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