João Cancelo


Senior Member
While everyone is aware of his defensive issues.

as I said in my post it's appalling how poor he is even at the basics. a lot of work to be done on Cancelo if he joins.


Senior Member
If we are looking for good young Portuguese RB's what about Nelson Semedo? I'm pretty sure he's also a Mendes client.

We are considering him because of his attacking talent but if his defensive game is literally just a black hole it's not really worth it especially for 30 million. Robert must be hoping if we do buy him we can improve his defensive (or lack of it) to a point where it isn't really that much of an issue (Big if on that) while nurturing his attacking talent to great heights.

If Cancelo was much less than 30 million, lets just say 10-15 it wouldn't be so bad but 30 million? you're having a laugh at that price. on the other hand this could all be a ruse and Robert has someone else planned. :lol:


President of FC Barcelona
Portuguese fans seem to rate their RBs in this order; Ricardo Pereira > Nelson Semedo > Joao Cancelo

I've not seen the Pereira or Semedo, BUT from what I've read, these two are the ones they really rate as allround World Class talents, and from what I see and have heard, Pereira is touted to be the best RB in Ligue 1, or at least top 3 at that.

I hope this is not true, but it most likely is that we have signed Cancelo. It certainly seem like it with so many different outlets collaborating to the story. In that case I guess we can hope he can at least be an okay defender, but I think it's going to be an ugly journey for him here. Defensively.

Attacking-wise he'll likely do well. As long as he doesn't start dribbling in his own half like he did yesterday with Valencia lol
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Senior Member
BTW why the sudden surge towards Ronaldo's compatriates?
It was Gomes, now Cancelo,
Who's next? Eder as replacement for Paco :rofl1:
May be he can help Messi get his sixth ballon :rofl1:


Senior Member
BTW why the sudden surge towards Ronaldo's compatriates?
It was Gomes, now Cancelo,
Who's next? Eder as replacement for Paco :rofl1:
May be he can help Messi get his sixth ballon :rofl1:

We will buy them all, put them on the stands and we will never play them! In this way we will destroy Portugal national team so Ronaldo can't qualify for WC2018!!! :blondemessi:


Senior Member
Nah, our next step is to buy Ronaldo so he can win more Balon D'ors playing together with Messi. :benitez:

No we can't do that. He meets only one criterion. He is Portugese but he is not playing in Valencia and he is older than 22 so there is no chance we will sign him! :robert:


Senior Member
Hopefully when Lucho leaves this summer our new manager blocks this BS.

If Roberto has made his mind about it then there is very slim chance a new coach can block such a move.
This is clearly a Roberto deal if true (something I doubt,a silly rumors in time with no games) and he is the one who decides who is the next coach not the other way around

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