Jordi Roura

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Tito not being around most likely has a very large part in our horrible form during the last month but blaming Roura is unfair as he was only a scout before this season...
Tito not being around most likely has a very large part in our horrible form during the last month but blaming Roura is unfair as he was only a scout before this season...

IMO, our management should be blamed for making him the assistant coach (and then coach when Tito left), especially if he was only a scout before this season.


New member
Leadership by committee often fails. He should block Tito's number and lead the team as he sees best.

Blaugrana dude

New member
True. Talking bout the ref was completely unneccessary, and yes, our players dived... a lot... and quite dilettantish I might add.

The line-up, I don't know whether he's to blame for that. I mean, who's in charge of the line-up now ? Tito or Roura ? Can Roura make changes to it and if yes, in what way. May he change tactics on his own and to what degree ? Who ultimately decides on the subs, like who and when to sub ? To be honest, I don't get any of what the management does right now but I know for sure it's chaotic and half-assed for all intents and purposes.

Also, it was ultimately a bad idea to make Peps' disc jockey the coach in the most important part of the season, but that, again, ain't Rouras' fault. The club should have kept their eyes open for an interim solution with some experience when Tito went off to NY for treatment at the latest.

Agreed. Maybe the management bought into that argument that the coach is not important because the team is too good etc.


New member
Leadership by committee often fails. He should block Tito's number and lead the team as he sees best.

Roura is not a coach and Tito can't do nothing being miles away
Barcelona is the only top class team to play without a coach for so long, not even segunda teams face such reality


Wild Man of Borneo
I think it's too much hesitation to play a different lineup against defensively solid teams. Tito being in treatment is probably too busy to pay close attention to the news and updates during training about which players are fatigued/in bad form. Or it could be that Roura isn't a true guiding figure who the players truly respect/admire. I know that's the quality in a coach that makes them a true authority figure who leads the team on and off the pitch. Imagine being in the dressing room during half time when you're 1-0 down and having a coach who is as scared/paranoid as you are. Imagine him not knowing what to do in times when the going gets tough and not being able to solve a situational problem and thus sticking to basic textbook material he was told to do. Imagine him not being able to inspire the players to turn things around and play with heart and motivation instead of discouragement and fear. Because if I were to describe this current Barcelona team in one word, that word would be uninspired. And a lot of times it's usually the coaches job to motivate the team into getting a win. It doesn't help if Roura has barely any more managerial experience than any of the players.
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New member
This is really tough. This isn't Roura's job, I would have loved to see Cruyff come in on a until-Tito-is-ready deal (considering Pep wouldn't return) but now when it comes to the cups: the extra-difficult bit against opposition in the mindset of "win or lose, don't care how", we can see the true contrast in ability. I thought, for example, we could have won the away leg had Tito been there... That being said, it's really not Roura's fault. I know it's youtube (not exactly know for the high IQ of commenters) but some of these are out of line: - It's not like he came out and said all the wrong things...
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Do have to feel for Roura, you can see he feels like he's put in a very difficult situation.


New member
Barcelona are facing a crisis, everyone including the fans, management, and owners need to realize this and solve it. Great teams bounce back from tough times and i know Barcelona are one of them. Its just some changes need to be made and quickly. The past year has shown this.


Roura is not a coach and Tito can't do nothing being miles away
Barcelona is the only top class team to play without a coach for so long, not even segunda teams face such reality
very true.

The calls for Roura's head and being fired cant be more silly actually. Roura has ever coach one Hospitalet side and has been a talent scout after that it is not in his field of expertise to coach a team in Barcelona's scale through an extended period of time. we cant really blame him, we have to blame management for that. we are practically going coachless and the results considering that has been above what any other team would be able to achieve in our situation.
A couch's Job is not merely giving tactical instructions, he keeps team mindful,focused and motivated and kicks a boot up their ass if they are getting complacent. we are lacking in every single aspect of that and competing with big teams who have all of that.


Staff member
Glad to read everyone agrees that Roura can't be blamed much.
The club was left in a tough position and I'd like to think sticking with Roura was a vote of confidence for Tito.
Everyone wanted to do the right thing but sometimes you can't make it right no matter how hard you try.


New member
Glad to read everyone agrees that Roura can't be blamed much.
The club was left in a tough position and I'd like to think sticking with Roura was a vote of confidence for Tito.
Everyone wanted to do the right thing but sometimes you can't make it right no matter how hard you try.

The only right thing here would have been an interim manager for a short time. Plenty of clubs do. Chelsea's Benitez is in charge as such, right now.

Anything else can't be 'the right thing', just stupidity and laziness by the board.


The only right thing here would have been an interim manager for a short time. Plenty of clubs do. Chelsea's Benitez is in charge as such, right now.

I'm not sure Chelsea's manager handling is the example we should be copying :lol:

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