Jose Manuel Pinto


New member
Storari is too decent to be a backup, your spoilt in that position

Totally agree, not complaining though, it should stay that way :D. Juventus is not even half the team that Barça is and they have Storari as a backup.


we should find some way to keep pinto at the club and then get that Argentine goalie Esteban Andrada. He's very young and we can make a perfect ball playing goalie from him, also He can be another friend of Leo and we may even have the chance to see Leo running 60 meters to protect him if someone fouls him :D


New member
Barca is the top team in the world; it has a reputation and a record to defend and to keep as shiny as possible under any circumstances. That is what being a winner means. The team has to give the very best, from coach to players and this becomes particularly critical against RM. All this means one thing: That you do the very best you can and right along with that you play all the very best players that are available. A team like Barcelona (actually, any team, really) cannot afford to leave money on the table by not putting the best players on the field, and, particularly the critical goalie spot. Why purposely make your team less capable? "He had a decent game" somebody said, jeez, that is not the matter. This is about winning and not about being "nice" to any one, no, not at the expense of giving Madrid the advantage and almost the game. Barca players were not very happy after the game because we didn't play well, but the goalie had a lot to do with that. I'm sure that Ronaldo wouldn't have scored had VV been there. and is there anything worse than this guy's foot work? He once again risked the ball like a total amateur. So, he had some nice saves, but that doesn’t take away from the overall damage. Pep chooses to leave a great goalie on the bench against the ultimate of rivals, knowing that he's a risk and for what? To be nice to Pinto? To make it "a Copa tradition"? Winning everything takes all your best. Period. And when you leave VV on the bench for this big Pinto compromise and for really silly reasons I get a little disappointed at Pep.


maybe this is why they call it 'more than a club'?

and btw, it's NOT all about winning and money.


New member
maybe this is why they call it 'more than a club'?

and btw, it's NOT all about winning and money.

I never said anything about money, but it certainly IS about winning. Ask a Laker, ask a New England Patriot, ask Federer. Why do we spend a bundle on Cesc and Alexis? Because we want to lose? It IS about winning. What planet are you from?


Active member
catalan pride > winning
where catalan pride = playing with style
winning = product of playing with style
therefore winning = catalan pride if everything above is applied
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New member
Great! We don't care about winning if it doesn't happen with style.
Therefore, if the Patriots, or Lakers, or Federer or Rafa have any pride, they rather not win if it isn't with style.
I'm going to Wiki this issue to search 'cause I may just learn that in Mars, or the back side of the Moon, or, heck, in Pandora, that's it, in Pandora, for their top teams of whatever sport they play there, winning is not worth if it isn't in style.... NOT ON EARTH, that I know. ---

Is it nice to win and to do it with style? Of course it is!!! Are we going to belittle a win because it wasn't quite with style? Yes, but it would need to be a victory obtained in......Pandora, not here on Earth. That's just a little too "romantic" for Kobe, for Pujols, for Lebron, for Derek Jeter, etc.


Active member
but you are forgetting Barca are no Patriots, Lakers or Federer, they have much much much richer history and there are people that died for this club/catalonia so club has to celebrate their memory and pride of catalonia with style
I am not saying that winning without style is bad since it was happening before Menotti/Cruyff but now when we have something to value (our style), we have to protect it
also football is very different from basketball or tennis


New member
Huh, BTW, as it usually happens here, the original subject (Pinto) was taken into a different subject: "winning with style".

If you have a great accountant in a firm, who does a superior job and saves the company a lot of money, only that once in a long while, he f...s up BIG time and causes the company a bundle of money, well, that is NOT the accountant you need, no matter how good he "normally" is. You MUST have one that's more reliable for the sake of the company and for the long run, and if you're a manager who knows what you're doing, you must take action and make a prompt, sound decision. Mgmt 101.

That accountant is Pinto on Cup games. Just because he has a few great saves does not take away the risks that it means to have him there because VV can perform as good or better saves and he would've certainly not allowed Ronaldo to go around him and to score. And needless to mention his limited and scary foot play level.

Anybody who still thinks Pinto is fine, just think at what not stopping Ronaldo meant: first, it freed RM out of the deja-vu 0-2 hole. Second, it gave RM a fresh re-start and true hope along with a "yes, we can" feeling which was clearly illustrated on the field from that point on, and last (and worst) it demoralized our boys and it was all downhill from there, with their backs against the wall, which is a very disturbing picture when you know their World status and how good they always are, plus it came very close to giving RM the pass to the semi's, or the Cup, itself AT THE CAMP NOU. And why all this? Huh, because "he's our Cup goalie", really...OK, let's keep that accountant (i.e. Pinto for the Cup games) because he's (charming?). I truly have a problem understanding Pep's lack of vision/logic on this particular subject and all the blind people who fail to assess the negative effects of Pinto in that game and its consequences... Thank God that it wasn't enough to give those "animals" (Xavi's spot-on quote) the Cup once again. Whew!


no offence, but to me it seems that americans always sees sports statisticly, winning things. i saw the movie 'moneyball' lately and that illustrates easily americans and their principles.

catalan pride > winning
where catalan pride = playing with style
winning = product of playing with style
therefore winning = catalan pride if everything above is applied


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