Jude Bellingham

El Gato

Not a secret football has always had more than type of midfielder and he's a classic offensive midfielder who covers a lot of ground and whose tasks are mostly upfront. All tasks fit. Even does more as proven by his defensive performances often times when required to do so
Very good player. Integral to England

CMs dont tackle lmao


Well-known member
So you're agreeing with me that he isn't a tempo-setting midfielder and is nowhere near as dominant throughout the 90 as a Rodri? And his game is about the box most of the time? Glad to hear it.

He gets dominated by Rodri every time they play against each other.

I didn't mean they don't tackle, that was too absolutist I agree. I meant it's a last resort for the very best CMs, and they do much more intercepting because of their positioning.

Throwing into tackles all the time is for dullards like Gerrard who couldn't position himself correctly most of the time and wants to impress an easy to impress crowd.

'Very good player. Integral to England'

Definitely looked it in this tournament :lol: He has done fuck all for England so far.

El Gato

Nobody said he plays as a tempo setting midfielder for England
Fighting ghosts here
Can he be one? Absolutely. Played as such for Dortmund and quite likely going to be asked to do that for RM if team moving back to 4-3-3 to take over from Kroos

Bellingham doesnt throw himself into tackles
Closer to getting booked for a dive than a bad tackle too

Great player, quality all around


Well-known member
I didn't say Bellingham throws himself into tackles - you said he tackles a lot, and I said tackling doesn't make someone a good CM. So I was disagreeing with you that him making tackles now and them makes him a good midfielder.

He will never, ever be able to play like Kroos, or Modric, or Xavi, or Rodri, and that's the truth. He isn't that type of player at all. He never will be.

You are biased towards him because he plays for Real, and also you have swallowed his media hype. He's a good player, he's far from ever going to be a great, legendary player.

El Gato

He doesn't tackle a lot
I didn't say he tackles a lot
I didn't say him tackling and then makes him a good midfielder
Lots of non-existent points

Being able to tackle well as a midfielder obviously makes you a better player, all great midfielders could do it, so can he

His ceiling is quite irrelevant as discussion point as to how important he is for England and how well he has played in general until now

Off you go bud


Well-known member
I know tackling helps a midfielder - my point was it's a last resort even if a valuable weapon. Rodri only tackles when he needs to, most of the time he intercepts.

The stuff about how good he will be, or how he will be remembered in the annals of history is what i reckoned you were implying.

Anyway, that's us wrapped up our discussion as the back and forth and points made have diminished, have a good day.


Senior Member
Bellingham hardly pressed on Sunday night.

That's a second striker, a false forward type of player.

A true midfielder is guys like Xavi, Modric, Kroos, Rodri - a guy who controls the tempo of the play, passes and moves, blocks off passing avenues, plays combination play intricately in tight spaces to open up gaps and create overloads etc. Dominates the heart of midfield.

Bellingham does none of this, or at the very least is vastly inferior to the names above at it. You're confusing a tempo-setting central midfielder for a guy who arrives late in the box and affects the end product.

Btw as for tackling - the best CMs don't tackle as often, they intercept and have such great positioning they don't have to tackle generally.

If you think heading is a leading attribute for a midfielder, then you are truly lost.
Off topic but then none of current Barca midfielder is midfielder by this standard.

El Gato

It is actually amusing how apt 'calma' is
Some are indeed very hot and bothered he's more relevant than Xavi and Iniesta were combined at any point before either of them were 25 getting benched for likes of Ronald De Boer :lol:

Trajectory will be interesting
Be a slow start to the season after the surgery and might get rotated out the side for Brahim somewhat so he should be nice and fit for CL knockouts if things go well


Senior Member
Lol he was more relevant than Iniesta & Xavi that's true.

But making a point by taking a shot at goats is always so idiotic, Gato really is in one these days 😂 😂.

Messi, Benz,now Iniesta & xavi, to make some random points about Bellingham.

El Gato

Said nothing in relation to Benzema about Bellingham - as per usual, some can't read, misunderstand and compensate

Again, no need to be so hot and bothered lads

El Gato

Imagine talking Clasicos in a thread of a guy who served you 2 league losses in 2 games scoring 3 goals. The irony.

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