we will see who will win more Champions League in the coming years. PSG or Real.
Real had amazing success thank to refrees help, luck and quality, also no capable of team of winning it in the last 4 years.Now they have PSG as rival.
Very young team core, endless money, best youth system in the world. so we have hope for the future.
this is priceless

PSG fans now claiming Madrid had help from refs
I hate Madrid with a passion but to say you are their rivals. one team has a winning pedigree and legacy about them, your team are a plastic club project propped up by the shithole that is; Qatar. you like to bow out during the QFs and they are winning back to back CLs

you are yet to prove that 6-1 bottle job Arsenal mentality is gone all you have to show for it are names on paper currently. Emery as manager aswell

that cunt should of walked after possibly the most embarrassing collapse in CL history, i love watching that moment Cavani scored and our heads dropped and you STILL fucked it up
rolling over farmers teams in Ligue 1 and Celtic and you are already claiming this shit
