Laurent Koscielny


New member
We didn't need either Song or Fabregas, as we have stronger options as it seems now. Same can't be said about our defense.

we we got cesc it seemed like we will need and everybody was happy.but don't u get it most of the signing we made from arsenal in the last eight years have turned out not to be an improvement on what we have already with the exception of henry. I wiill rather have sakho in that our defense because he is younger,cheaper and will bring the same thing laurent will bring or better and extra money for a younger cb like doria or zouma.
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Improvin' Perfection!!
we we got cesc it seemed like we will need and everybody was happy.but don't u get it most of the signing we made from arsenal in the last eight years have turned out not to be an improvement on what we have already with the exception of henry.

I was about to try and crucify you when I saw Henry and I was normal again

I wiill rather have sakho in that our defense because he is younger,cheaper and will bring the same thing laurent will bring or better and extra money for a younger cb like doria or zouma.
Sakho could probably be a tank for us but his attitude isn't the greatest they say. There's a reason PSG are ready to dump him.


New member
There is no way his attitude will be okay when they are always benching him and there is a lot of competition in the france squad for cb;varane,mangala,kosceinly,rami e.t.c and their also many french cb and i think if we are looking for a cb to complement pique we should look at france first followed by italy followed by brazil


New member
But he start for france that have many good cb like rami,kosceinly and potential world class like varane,mangala,zouma.the reason he doesn't start for psg is because alex and silva are both brazilians and wasn't he one of the reason psg qualified for champs league


New member
But he start for france that have many good cb like rami,kosceinly and potential world class like varane,mangala,zouma.the reason he doesn't start for psg is because alex and silva are both brazilians and wasn't he one of the reason psg qualified for champs league

He doesn't. Koscielny and Varane are the starters. He is the substitute. Sakho's problem is that he's very slow and isn't what we need ; Pique is already slow and we need a Ramos profile, and Koscielny, Thiago Silva are the solutions.


New member
Varane, mangala are not starters they are will varane start when he is just entering madrid starting eleven that means he has been starting since


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There is a reason why Sakho doesn't start much for PSG; it's because he's not that good.

Sakho is not bad but is not a crack. He was used to do good matches but almsot each time he made a mistake, we conceided a goal.
He was competing with Alex to be in pinch but TS stated he was more comfortable with Alex since they are both brazilains and Alex has more experience.
But as he was not really a starter, he was the one who played most due to several injuries.
I think he improved this year, commited less faults, being more reliable.
PSG don't want to let him go but he absolutely wants to be a starter and i don't think any big clubs can make him the promise he'll be. So he should think about this.


New member
Arsenal can because he better than most and if not all their cb's and all their players arre over-rated theo,santi,sagna,jack e.t.c


New member
Is Koscielny really barcelona standard?? watched a lot of him here in the premier league and hes ok to good but far from great.

You must be a manU or chelsea fan, because to say he is not barca standard is funny. Arsenal had the 2nd best defence this season and kosh was one of the reasons for that. When he came back into arsenals team after they lost to spurs they never lost a game. Even before that at the start before injury he was a beast. IMO he better than all our CB. My bro told me only theo is faster than him and he is a ball playing CB who reads the game well with an eye for goal. Look at some youtube clips of this season and i garantee you will change your mind
He has improved a whole lot the last 12 months and would be a good player for us but that is not saying much since our current centre backs consist of a ageing legend, a LB turned into a CB, a DM turned into a CB, a player who looks a shadow of his former self and some youngster whose confidence is at rock bottom

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