Lautaro Martinez


Senior Member
Because the local Barcelona fans as Hispanics prefer Lautaro, who is also Hispanic. There is no other explanation to me, since Haaland or Werner are a lot better than him, younger than him and will probably cost a lot less than him. But, Hispanics always prefer Hispanics. That is from day one of this club.
Werner? Wtf...

That being said, Lautaro impressed me at the Copa America and maybe he?ll be good enough one day to be our main number 9 but atm he really isn?t.


Wild Man of Borneo
Lmfao. Americans and their Apple pies, Spaniards aren't Hispanics they're Europeans. You are confusing Mexico with Barcelona

Are you daft? Lol

Spaniards are most definitely Hispanic. You tried to pull some more high and mighty shit and came away looking like a fool. Well done.
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What is it about Werner that make people prefer him over Lautaro? I'm genuinely asking here. What are his pros over Lautaro?
Haaland I can sort of understand although his technical ability is a bit suspect.


Well-known member
What is it about Werner that make people prefer him over Lautaro? I'm genuinely asking here. What are his pros over Lautaro?
Haaland I can sort of understand although his technical ability is a bit suspect.

I guess mostly that he'd potentially only cost half as much and his scoring record this season.

That being said i don't think Werner would really fit in, but i also think Lautaro is overpriced as hell.


New member
Lmfao. Americans and their Apple pies, Spaniards aren't Hispanics they're Europeans. You are confusing Mexico with Barcelona

Dude, seems like you have tendency to argue with everyone who has different opinion than yours. Let me give you piece of lesson.

The Mexicans , Central Americans and 90 % of the South Americans are called Hispanic after Spain, when they concurred these lands many centuries ago.Yes the Spaniard are Europeans, but as a Spanish speaking, they always prefer other Spanish speaking. In this case, if there are three candidates for that # 9 position and one of them is Norwegian, the other German and the third Hispanic, 99.9% of the local Barcelona fans will vote for the Argentinian, even though the other two are clearly better choices.It's called "orgullo racial"


New member
What is it about Werner that make people prefer him over Lautaro? I'm genuinely asking here. What are his pros over Lautaro?
Haaland I can sort of understand although his technical ability is a bit suspect.

Let me explain it to you why.

Lautaro cost 111 million euros. His stats with Inter are: 22 games - 12 goals - 3 assists ....... 7 Yellow Cards and 2 RED CARDS

Werner will cost between 60-65 millions. His stats are 25 games - 21 goals - 7 assists

Haaland (19) will cost around 72 millions. His stats are 14 games - 16 goals 6 assists.

Both Haaland and Werner are playing in the German Bundesliga, which is considered the third top league after La Liga and the Premier League. Also, Werner is a German national, which team is arguably better than Los Gauchos of Lautaro. Besides Barcelona, there is no any other top European team that is interested to sign Martinez. Werner in the other hand is target of all top PL teams as well as several other. Does this ring the bell?


New member
There are a number of reasons why we have prioritised lautaro as the number 9, the main reason being that he wants to join barca. The days are gone where we were automatically the 1st choice for players. Werner's 1st choice is Liverpool and he has been praising them for months now.

Haaland's agent is Raiola and we have a bad relationship with him after ibrahimovic. We are one of the last teams he will offer his players to and he does have influence over his players. He was definitely one of the main reasons de ligt went to juve last year
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Senior Member
Lautaro.... 111mio for a CF, short and featherweight:facepalm:
We're really allergic to tall CF, physically strong, who can will duels physically, and win aerial duels, very good headers, target for cross instead to 1000 sterile passes around the box.


Senior Member
Lautaro is better than Haaland and Werner, you can quote me on that in a year.

I agree that the 111ME release clause is excessive though, but I dont think we will pay that much (if the transfer happens). As for not being the "automatic first choice" anymore: whiny bullshit. We are still up there, but some players prefer the PL or Real Madrid (as it has always been).


Senior Member
There are a number of reasons why we have prioritised lautaro as the number 9, the main reason being that he wants to join barca. The days are gone where we were automatically the 1st choice for players. Werner's 1st choice is Liverpool and he has been praising them for months now.

Haaland's agent is Raiola and we have a bad relationship with him after ibrahimovic. We are one of the last teams he will offer his players to and he does have influence over his players. He was definitely one of the main reasons de ligt went to juve last year

You made some good points here.

Yeah, we're not in the best relationship with Raiola but if we would offer his player (whoever that is) the best deal he would probably still want his player to take it (in the end it's still a player's decision but as you've said he has a big influence on them). He's a businessman after all and mostly interested in money.

Raiola usually wants his players to go through more clubs so he doesn't want to sell them immediately to Bar?a/Real/PSG who almost never need/want to sell their key players. So if he'd sell a 19 yo De Ligt to one of those clubs he could be there for a decade and Raiola would lose any possible money from further transfer(s). Unless MDL would fail to establish himself and the club would be willing to sell him but in that case his value would drop. That's especially true for our players because we don't know how to sell though having a Raiola player who would flop here would still bring us more money when selling than with other agent's players. For a simple reason. Higher transfer fee, a bigger commision for Raiola so he would want to drive up his price.

That's imo why they've selected Juve who was willing to accept a 150m release clause. Bar?a is too big of a club to accept this so we'd probably give him a clause in the range of 300m+ like we're doing regularly for most players since Neymar backstabbed us. 150m is still a crazy money for a CB that I don't think any club will be willing to pay in a near future (I'd gladly pay that for Van Dijk if he'd been 3-4 years younger instead of wasting money on Lautaro and/or Neymar - not that L'pool would sell him, especially not to us after the whole Coutinho tranfer saga - but I'm not sure MDL will ever be worth anywhere close to that sum) but if/when De Ligt will want to leave I'm sure Raiola will do anything to get him out of Juve.

On a side note I think Raiola will do something similar with Haaland next year. He'll probably go to United with a release clause somewhere in the range of 150-200m (since they would only pay 75m for him) so Bar?a/RM/PSG can get him in a few years if they want. Haaland wants to play in the EPL and he'd also play for OGS (if he won't get fired before though I don't think he will as Haaland will be one of their key targets for the future and they have bigger chances to land him with Solskjaer there). But in 3-4 years when he'll still be only 23-24 and if United will continue to struggle winning who knows. At that point our amigos should all be out of the club and Haaland could become one of our star signings/players. Of course all of this assuming he'll continue his career like he has started it and if we won't find a prolific striker before then (which could easily happen).

Anyway, back to MDL. I think there are also two other reasons not directly connected to Raiola why we didn't buy MDL or at least go more serious after him as I think we just gave up at one point.

1. I'm sure lower taxes in Italy for foreign players also played a role in De Ligt's decision.

2. we were still hopeful to get Neymar so we were saving money. After already spending 200m on FDJ and Griezmann we just couldn't afford to buy MDL for 70m and then still have 150m+ for Neymar. It's a stupid reason to not address a position of a big need like a CB but I think it played a big role in our decision to finally not signing De Ligt (we didn't really consider any other cheaper CB alternatives either which is another mistake). And tbh IF we'll land someone like Upamecano this year I wouldn't really mind missing out on MDL. He would fit much better in the lineup besides Pique as a faster and more athletic CB, because like it or not Pique will still be a starter for the next two years. But we'll probably go cheap on a CB and a midfielder just to have money for Lautaro, Neymar or possibly even both of them. :lol: Thankfully I think due to corona both are not possible and between the two I prefer Lautaro. But as I've already said spending 100m on him only make sense if Suarez leaves. If he won't then Lautaro will be misused as a winger and most likely be considered another 100m flop in a year or two.


Senior Member
Im on lautaro train. Hes called 'bull' for a reason, and we need a bit of hot headed players. Suarez was an absolute lunatic before joining us, passionate, and you could already feel after his suspension was over that he would be unleashed with a lot to prove to himself, club and to give big middle finger to the rest of the world.
Werner is good, but would he have enough authority to slide in barca number 9 spot? Haaland maybe, but they both wouldnt have that much support from fans and players compared to what lautaro would have, and we at least should know that mentality is as important as the knowledge.
Yes, they have better stats but they both play in the clubs that are fast attacking minded, with a lot of young players and not having the imperative of winning league or anything.
Lautaro plays in a club that is messed up on so many levels, hes partner is fucking lukaku and plays in a conte 352 system. Think about that for a second.
And what i saw from nt games dude is full of respect for messi but not in awe, has that 'fuck you love you' mentality and is not afraid to go 'selfish' route when he feels like.

Not for another 100+m signing, but if we can trade someone for him im all in for that


Senior Member
like griez stats suffer cuz he was playing with costa/morata?
no dif between him and griez. they cant play without a 9

Martinez can defnitely play a 9.

One of his biggest assets is how well he holds up ball. For Argentina in Copa he did that time and again to link with Messi.

If anything he seems to be more of a 9 playing slightly out of position when partnering Lukaku.

He and Griezmann are not similar really.

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