Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Training is going to be interested. If Messi starts sulking in training, Koeman might start arguing with him. I've heard Koeman takes no shit from anyone.

Also, I can't see his teammates being happy that he basically said they've been the problem in the last 3 years. He basically called them shit. And I haven't seen much support from his current teammates about him wanting away from the club. I think it's about be tense in the training sessions.

Why would he start sulking? We are talking about Messi and not Dembele.


Well-known member
Training is going to be interested. If Messi starts sulking in training, Koeman might start arguing with him. I've heard Koeman takes no shit from anyone.

Also, I can't see his teammates being happy that he basically said they've been the problem in the last 3 years. He basically called them shit. And I haven't seen much support from his current teammates about him wanting away from the club. I think it's about be tense in the training sessions.

Messi will give 100% as he always do.


Senior Member
Exactly. Our future looks pretty bad for the moment. Too many huge signings gone totally wrong. Dembele/Griez and Coutinho are hurting us a lot.

We've overspent on too many similar players. Coutinho can't play wing, Grizemann can't play wing or striker, Dembele has been injured. Then we're talking about bringing in Depay and Gini. Although, we should be able to get them pretty cheap.... but I can't see them improving us that much.

With Messi staying, it's not going to solve much. We may score more goals and win a few more games, but we're still not going to win anything. Our problems go far beyond scoring goals. We'll eventually have to play without Messi, so why not starting accepted that now and getting a good fee in for him? I'm sure if you put Messi on the transfer market, the clubs would easily pay 100m euros plus for him, regardless of the FFP. He's that much of a good player, even at 33. Bartomeu has taken a risk that won't pay off.

Messi will give 100% as he always do.

I don't see it. Regardless of what he said, he's already stated multiple times he's only staying because he's being forced to. It's always going to be in the back of his mind that we're forcing him to stay here.

I'm sure he'll still give us good performances here and there. But we've already seen when things are going bad, Messi tends to sulk around the pitch. It won't take much to piss him off.

Why would he start sulking? We are talking about Messi and not Dembele.

Messi has sulked multiple times on the pitch. He's not one to hide it. When things are going badly, he tends to walk around the pitch not looking interested.

I'm sure he'll still score a shit load of goals, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has his worst season for us. I just don't see him being that much motivated or interested, especially playing in that team.


New member
I don't really care about the "bad captain" arguments. If you really need someone to fucking hold your hand while things are tough then you should be nowhere near a club like Barcelona. This guy always does magic when you give him the ball, that's all I care about, all the blame always goes to Messi, he is somehow responsible for the whole team every time they bend over from pressure. You don't want him to be sulking? Give him the fucking ball then


Senior Member
This xxxxx guy has to be a rival fan.

There's no fkn way he's a Barca fan

How the hell am I a rival fan when I'm thinking about the club? If would be in our best interest to sell Messi and move forward as a club. I'm not like you who is putting Messi before the club. The guy put in a transfer request, missed a week of training, doesn't want to be here, and he basically said the club isn't good enough. Why keep a player who doesn't want to be here? I don't care how good the player is.... if your heart isn't in it and you don't want to be here, you should be sold.

Why keep an unhappy player at the club, especially one who only has 9 months left on his contract, who is 33.... and who is on 1m a week? We could easily get 100m plus for him and get his salary off the book. It would help our future.

Regardless if Messi stays or not, we're still going to have a shit season. Yeah, he'll help us get more goals and a few more wins. But our problems go far beyond scoring goals.


Senior Member
We've overspent on too many similar players. Coutinho can't play wing, Grizemann can't play wing or striker, Dembele has been injured. Then we're talking about bringing in Depay and Gini. Although, we should be able to get them pretty cheap.... but I can't see them improving us that much.

With Messi staying, it's not going to solve much. We may score more goals and win a few more games, but we're still not going to win anything. Our problems go far beyond scoring goals. We'll eventually have to play without Messi, so why not starting accepted that now and getting a good fee in for him? I'm sure if you put Messi on the transfer market, the clubs would easily pay 100m euros plus for him, regardless of the FFP. He's that much of a good player, even at 33. Bartomeu has taken a risk that won't pay off.

I don't see it. Regardless of what he said, he's already stated multiple times he's only staying because he's being forced to. It's always going to be in the back of his mind that we're forcing him to stay here.

I'm sure he'll still give us good performances here and there. But we've already seen when things are going bad, Messi tends to sulk around the pitch. It won't take much to piss him off.

Messi has sulked multiple times on the pitch. He's not one to hide it. When things are going badly, he tends to walk around the pitch not looking interested.

I'm sure he'll still score a shit load of goals, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has his worst season for us. I just don't see him being that much motivated or interested, especially playing in that team.

Spot on i totally agree with you.


Senior Member
He should be stripped of his capitancy now IMO.

Should be but wont happen as players vote on it and either way the idea from now will be to have as little issues and turmoil as possible.

Will keep the armband but Barca as a team still lack leaders massively but hopefully Koeman and staff make up for that.


Look what is happening this off season so far. It is a repeat of the Bartomeu plan. Media attacking Messi and other players. Numerous transfer rumors that are never finalized like Van De Beek etc.

Then doiing transfers (likely) that have serious issues: Depay is 26 has injury issues and has never been an elite producer. Winjidalum is 29 and is a slightly above average MF. Pjanic is average at this stage. He just sold Dani for a few 100,000 and he wants to sell Monchu and other young players. If not for fans Fati and Riqui would also have been sold. Sell as many young players as he can. He buys young players to sell them NOT to play them.

The team's defense was exposed last year! Lenglet and Pique are TOO SLOW. Semedo/Roberto and Alba are NOT good defenders. They have DONE NOTHING TO ADDRESS THEIR DEFENSE. Adding more MFers instead.

Coutinho has already failed once, he has no fitness, he has no position, even at Bayern he was NOT a starter. Can't start at Bayern but can at Barca SHAMEFUL.

Greizmann is past his prime years and has no position. Pjanic is slow and way past his prime it was bad enough getting him but losing a young player AND signing him to a 4 year deal RIDICULOUS!

FDJ did not play well last year. He looked lost and at this point might never develop. Busquets is FINISHED absolutely done. Counting on injury prone Dembele is fool's gold.

Understand that FCB is now being looked upon as a bad club more and more ... it will become something like AC Milan now. Neymar will never return Lautoro doesn't want to come. FCB under Bartomeu has become a JOKE it has lost the lustre and magic that made all the best players want to come here now it is just another good club. EVERYONE saw what they did to Messi. This was the final straw. This club is rapidly losing the shine it has had even in bad years.

They will again NOT play all the young players Koeman will play all the older players that are left. The young players will not get a real chance and then probably be sold. This team lacks guts to play young players... Koeman is not the answer he has failed in his previous clubs. FCB is a mess football wise and the team under Bartomeu continues DOING THE SAME THINGS THAT FAILED!!!

Only because Messi loves FCB he didn't go to court to be released. Many players LOVED FCB and MESSI. FCB destroyed that. Attacking Messi is the death nail for this club.


New member
What new and convincing sporting project?

The new board is going to have a shit load of debt and have no money to improve our squad next season. The squad will be one year older, and our defense will still be as shit as ever. Besides, there are no guarantees the new board will be any good. And it won't take much to piss Messi off this season.

A lot will depend on how things go on the pitch next season. If he gets on with Koeman and the team pushes on without Suarez, Vidal and Rakitic and there's a bit more energy, creativity and pace to the team then the title is achievable as long as Messi shows up. Just not being humiliated in CL will be progress.

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