THese narratives are tedious in the extreme. The Roma, Juve, Bayern, and Liverpool debacles - people are actually expecting him to playmake, score, hell win these games all by himself.

Go back and watch the games with a bit of objectivity and try to understand how football actually works IRL. You don't get the freedom to do what you want when the oposition team target you as the main man to shut down. If your team mates cant take teh few chances that you serve them when your opportunities are limited then why should teh opposition change tactics; they're succedding and your team is failing. You can't tear around the pitch chasing the ball down on your own

You'll just be made to look the fool. They haven't pressed as a team in absolutely years so why should that change in one or two games. How is yelling at your team mates to get stuck in going to help either. These are elite athletes who know what their roles are and what they're mean to do (apparently as set out by a competent coach). Roy Keans type roraring ain't going to work!
Simply put, Messi wasn't the problem on an indivisual level anyway. Players of his ability are not a problem. What has been the problem for Barcelona for many years now is their set-up - the recruitment and man-anagement, ergo the coaching. Anyone that has been following the sage for 10-15 yrs could see the deterioration as plain as the nose on your face. Is it really any wonder he wanted out. "Aye, lets get stuck into these Scouse bassas, c'mon lads!!" And with that Lionel jack-rabbits after Andy Robertson as he receives the ball from Allison, only for the Scot to calmly play it back inside to Virgil, who knocks it into Fabino.

laughably clueless.