Supposing this is not a bluff, what a shameful way to announce the supposed exit of Messi. A club statement and a tribute video an hour later?
It really is a bad look.
Laporta is going to get grilled tomorrow.
that farewell video was pretty shit. it was all over the place. must have been last-minute stuff
If this is a move to pressure Laliga 1. I don't see it working 2. They are playing with fire and messing with millions of people's minds 3. Do we think Messi is fine being used as a pawn like this not knowing where he'll end up? He is a world-class player and his own person too, people forget, he's been fucked with for months not knowing if he can continue at Barca, it's unprofessional, and he probably said he's done because of it...
Laporta is going to exit this as a the best poker player of all time or the president that lost Messi. Very dangerous gambling from his side.
The parties want to talk more. [rac1]
Ah, here we go...
Welcome back. Long time no see. Hope all is well.
If the salary cap of 160M is the right figure I doubt that there is a way to even register already signed players. You can't even pay the current squad with that.
they just edit some tribute video from youtube![]()
50% on that. Laporta did say that he wanted to bring in some more players, and that is why they are doing what they doing. But then again, if Barca could actually register Messi, why did not they do that long ago (were they renegotiating with our players and just got done this week)? Time will tell. Honestly, Messi leaving will allow us to make drastic changes that we have been waiting for for a while. However, I do still want him to stay.I just don't buy the forcing La Liga's hand or powerplay theory.
i've seen way better messi vids on youtube. they could have given this to a youtuber and they would have done a better job
the ronaldo farewell vid by madrid shits on this in comparison too
what members only ownership gets you