Regarding making Messi's wages, let's face it, at the end of the day, this is a disastrous end to the GOAT, but one that had to be done, lest we dig ourselves one floor deeper into the -150 floors that Bartomeu + Rossel dug us deep into already.
My brother asked me a simple question today - "But why can't he just say I'll play for free? What does 50 million mean to him?"
I dismissed this as naive and simplisitc. Until I started thinking more about different eras, different sports and in general, what that would actually mean. I realised that that question was not as foolish or simplistic as it sounded to me iniitally
Messi is no Toti. His entourage have proved time and time again that MONEY is a big part of how they operate. You're talking about one of the richest sports persons on earth avoiding tax like a pleb. That tells you everything you need to know. So going back to the question - Why can't Messi just play for free for a season? He sure can. But he sure wouldn't. It's not a naive question, and it's not a complicated answer. Alright, fair enough.