Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
He isnt a leader at all.

If he is injured and cant run then he needs to stop that dribbling where he cant get away from any player and loses it.

The team was crying out for him to drop deeper and try to get Barca on ball but he was invisible and when did get it lost it through shit decision making.


Active member
Never looked interested the whole match , should get out and enjoy his last days , this team are never winning anything.


Senior Member
How about you talk about how Setien decided to play with no width and no pace up front, Frenkie as a LM and Vidal in god knows what position. You loved the lineup when it was announced. [MENTION=15262]serghei[/MENTION]

Midfield players like Arthur, Busquets, Rakitic, Vidal and de Jong have no pace or creativity. They're literally the same type of player.

Our defense has never been that great.... but when you have a average to crap midfield, you're going to lose a lot of big games.

I know Messi hasn't been close to his best for over 2 months now..... but I honestly feel he's playing through an injury for like 2 months now. He's also not getting no support. You can't expect a 32-year-old Messi to carry like he used to.


Senior Member
Sorry but there’s no way you go from GOAT level in December 2019 to this 2 months later for no reason. Especially a player of his level. He was shocking today, no Suarez, poor attackers and possible injury most likely.

He's not the reason why we are so shit.
The current situation is the result of years and years mismanagement, board without plans and visions and horrible transfer market.


Senior Member
Imagine some people raging on Messi! FFS he is almost 33y old! Of course he won't be able to deliver every single time like he did before. On the other hand he is by far our best player so problem is in others not him. Just enjoy him for maximum of 2 more years because I don't think there is more left in him.

He was horrible today but we should accept the fact he can't deliver every game anymore. As we all know tactics should be build around him and not on him!


President of FC Barcelona
You'd be surprised how many think he can play until 38. What a joke.

Where do you think this team would be without him on the pitch this season?

Yes, that's how shocking our management is and how overrated and average our team is. If you think that can be fixed by moving on from Messi and making a couple of changes you're just delusional.


Senior Member
if hes injured he shouldn't be playing. why handicap ourselves with 10men?

GOAT or not, time has caught up to him so the excuse of 'hes capable of magic from nowhere' are happening less and less now

Because even with an injured Messi we still have a chance of winning our games. Who else in this team can win us games?


New member
People talking about age, he isn't even trying. It's not like he is fighting but isn't able any more, he isn't trying at all!
And what a leader and worthy captain he is.


Senior Member
Use him to make a transition to younger generations during the next 2 seasons and stop expecting miracles from him every single game. He is a human, and humans tend to slow down dramatically in their mid thirties.


Senior Member
How about you talk about how Setien decided to play with no width and no pace up front, Frenkie as a LM and Vidal in god knows what position. You loved the lineup when it was announced. [MENTION=15262]serghei[/MENTION]

That went reasonably well until the fitness part kicked in and our players were walking instead of running because they had nothing left. We are trained like old men and move like old men.

I was sure Madrid will dominate us physically and they did in the 2nd half. They looked fresh, we looked spent. If we scored our chances and went ahead 2-0 maybe things would've been different. We didn't, got tired, they scored, game over.

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