Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Why the hell would Bartomeu leave now when he only has months left? Makes zero sense. Only thing that is different is that the Amigos are dropping like flies.

No point in talking sense in this thread. The timing is obvious, this Messi shit blew up after Koeman gave half the amigos the boot.


Senior Member
Jordi Farre (Bar?a presidential candidate): ?Tomorrow at 9am I will present a notion of no confidence against Bartomeu and his board. We cannot let them continue for one more minute.? [@JordifarreFcb]

Thank God


Well-known member
Why the hell would Bartomeu leave now when he only has months left? Makes zero sense. Only thing that is different is that the Amigos are dropping like flies.

There is no benefit there at all. Barto has given Koeman the green light and the most stable thing to do now is wait for re-election


New member
If the board and Koeman are out and Messi still leaves, yes, I can respect Messi for his move.

Also, can respect Messi if he moves if Koeman remains the manager. Disappointing, but every legend has the right to call it a day at any point he sees fit. No matter the reasons.

But almost any version where Messi stays at this point looks bad for him.

It's not completely up to him though is it. If Barca reject the offers, he will have to stay. Honestly a lot of the regular posters were going crazy coming up with Messi this and Messi that.

Have some patience and see how it plays out. Khaled and DonAK and a few others have my respect, never jumped to conclusions and kept a level head.


Senior Member
It's not completely up to him though is it. If Barca reject the offers, he will have to stay. Honestly a lot of the regular posters were going crazy coming up with Messi this and Messi that.

Have some patience and see how it plays out. Khaled and DonAK and a few others have my respect, never jumped to conclusions and kept a level head.

Khaled yes, DonAK, no. DonAK jumped on Messi's boat immediately.


President of FC Barcelona
Khaled yes, DonAK, no. DonAK jumped on Messi's boat immediately.

Nah. Making sense of everything and all the news about him potentially leaving this year or definitely next year, your conspiracy theories make little sense.

If I jumped on Messi's boat, you jumped on the other side. Makes both of us stupid then?


Senior Member
Good fucking news.

Yeah, great news.

Push forward an election that is already scheduled in March up a few months during the first stages of the season when most of the candidates have not even had a proper chance to present themselves yet. What could possibly go wrong!

God, I loathe parasitic politicians.


Nosce te ipsum
I don't understand the "If Messi stays after this it would be worst" comments.

If Messi ensures this incompetent management falls tomorrow, and then decides to stay, how would that be a worst thing?

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