Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
so let me get this straight. you hated on him while being here and now you hate him for leaving us.

seems more like an abused wife syndrome that you are suffering from, buddy.

Messi staying and accepting the changes was always the ideal scenario. But I knew he wasn't going to do it.


New member
Any proper legend should have been ecstatic about the new changes. New manager who wants to work hard, trying to improve the team at last. And him gets to stay and be the leader of the new crop of players, while we are upgraded in several positions with faster younger players.

Isn't this the change everybody wanted? It's perfect for any legend with half a brain. Except a guy who is too dumb to realize that he has to put the club in front of his friends.
Proper legend. What a fucking POS...Guy is 33. I am sure he can't wait for Barto and co to do their transfer magic with ZERO cash and then to chellange when he is 36. How fucking dumb are you people? How fucking dumb? Even City fans are saying "Don't overpay for 33yr old". For 33yr old GOAT, with Sheiks money and they dont want to overpay, and here we have guys like you saying "Which 33yr old footballer wouldn't be ecstatic about rebuilding of a squad".


Senior Member
Messi staying and accepting the changes was always the ideal scenario. But I knew he wasn't going to do it.

Even more ideal is him leaving, to be honest. He's not the type of guy to change and we don't want his tactical baggage considering he can't offset it with 50 goals a season anymore.


New member
Messi talks with Koeman, understands major changes are needed, and we all work hard to rebuild this team while moving on amigos like Suarez, Rakitic, Vidal etc, and replace them with newer hungrier players. Would've been everything we wanted and needed. But no... not good. Makes too much fucking sense.
With what money are we replacing them amigo? Who is replacing them? Barto? Like last 3-4 transfers these crooks made, only back then they had money. Whew...we are f.u.c.k.e.d


Senior Member
With what money are we replacing them amigo? Who is replacing them? Barto? Like last 3-4 transfers these crooks made, only back then they had money. Whew...we are f.u.c.k.e.d

Never said it was going to be easy. But the amigos got us an 8-2 loss pal. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. They can't fucking run.


Senior Member
With the league we are the king of spain but with the UCL we are the king of europe.

Don't care at this point, I want to enjoy Messi's last year's dominating the league and doing their best in UCL.

We don't have the squad to win UCL for the next 3 years no matter what so I rather we enjoy Messi and Suarez until then


Senior Member
Messi leaving might aswell be a chance to finally rebuild a squad that isn't focussed on a superstar. Especially with Barto fucking off aswell. Had to happen at some point anyway, so better now than later.


Senior Member
Messi staying and accepting the changes was always the ideal scenario. But I knew he wasn't going to do it.

nope. you and the other haters trashed this theory immediately and brought into discussion xavi/iniesta and how they left. you wanted him to leave so we could move on and thought that the time is right. now you turn it around saying he should have stayed.

and don't give me that whole "accepting the changes" when most of that would have been unrealistic anyway. him running 10 km, playing CF or bending over to some other bullshit you idiots tought is good for the team :lol:


Senior Member
Didnt you want him to leave so bad like days ago?

Yes, and I totally want him gone. Because he is a crap leader and a coward. If he was a great leader, I'd be with him totally. But he doesn't really care that much about the team. He's pretty much like Ronaldo.


Senior Member
This is just a power play from Bartomeu. He can at least say he tried to keep Messi here. He's trying to make Messi look like the bad guy here. He knows damn well he can't resign without legal complications.

He probably knows Messi is going, so he's just trying to force Messi to make a decision.

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