Plus, in the winter he can sign with City as a free player starting with June 2021, because he's in the last 6 months of his contract right?
That is correct and things will prob pan out this way. EPL clubs's will steer clear off this storm and simply wait till June. This will grant more time to work out their models and pre-arrangements/deals with sponsors, etc. instead of pelican diving into this murky swamp full of unknowns.
Only way City signs him now is if Barto gives them the green light, but no one wants to seat the nego table.
So, technically, Bartomeu will still be the President who lost Messi if that's what he cares about.
Fucking moron.
Daaaaaang right. There's that and there's also his concern of Leo crushing it in the PL, maybe even winning the CL and thus casting more light on the piss poor job he did as Barca Prez.
What's surprising though is that he'd be willing to take the personal financial hit of having to balance the Clubs deficit out of his own pockets (is this real btw or just more bogus yap?). If real, surely he'd lose big since Vidal and Rak's exit won't be sufficient. If Messi stays, this would add even more weight for the other vets staying put as well. Not that I thought they'd agree to pay cuts and leave anyways.
It's gonna be interesting though with Captain Ron Commando at the helm. He saw what happened to Val n Set. We might just game whole stretches of games where all the vets don't even make bench and he only fields the juniors, new crop and Barca B promos
4get BBz's Titanic, we unsinkable crocs singin the New Orleans blues. Circus du Freak 3.0 ladies n gents