Lionel Messi - v7


Well-known member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Messi will post a video in 9 minutes saying he stays. [<a href="">@Marsallorente</a>]</p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Lets see


Senior Member
But on the other site Messi will get furious if Barca takes the armband away and I think the main task is to get calm back after the big drama.

He's going to be mad regardless. We have to send a message here. You can't do what you want and expect to keep getting the benefits you previously were. Koeman has to show Messi that he's the manager.

He obviously wants to leave but can't because it'll end up in the court. A court which could last a while..... so he probably couldn't have played for a new club anyway. No club would take the risk of potentially paying 700m euros.


Senior Member
He's going to be mad regardless. We have to send a message here. You can't do what you want and expect to keep getting the benefits you previously were. Koeman has to show Messi that he's the manager.

He obviously wants to leave but can't because it'll end up in the court. A court which could last a while..... so he probably couldn't have played for a new club anyway. No club would take the risk of potentially paying 700m euros.

He would have signed for City before it went to court.... if he and they were confident enough that he was in the right on the contract.


Senior Member
Messi will post a video in 9 minutes saying he stays. [@Marsallorente]
— barcacentre (@barcacentre) September 4, 2020
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that must be the longest he's ever talked<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe>


Senior Member
He's going to be mad regardless. We have to send a message here. You can't do what you want and expect to keep getting the benefits you previously were. Koeman has to show Messi that he's the manager.

He obviously wants to leave but can't because it'll end up in the court. A court which could last a while..... so he probably couldn't have played for a new club anyway. No club would take the risk of potentially paying 700m euros.

There is no 700M risk, court will decide a realistic release clause based on income. And most speculation it will take years to happen (half decade) and will be below 100M


Senior Member
There is no 700M risk, court will decide a realistic release clause based on income. And most speculation it will take years to happen (half decade) and will be below 100M

Why would it take that long?

Surely it would be Messi leaving under Webster ruling and arguing for no fee based on clause although maybe not if 15 days passed.


La Masia
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&#55357;&#56560; — Messi's announcement is now expected to be in 45 minutes. Per all reports, he will be staying. [<a href="">@RoyNemer</a>]</p>— Bar?a Universal (@BarcaUniversal) <a href="">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Probably wi-fi problems


Senior Member
Messi will post his video at 6PM, 40 minutes from now. There was a misunderstanding. [cadena ser]


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