Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
No player is bigger than club... yet you think club should cancel contract as he signed it under different conditions. That makes sense.

Rakitic and Suarez argument is awful but not surprised you think it is relevant and similar circumstances. Fits with your other 'arguments'.

Never said we should cancel his contract. Why do you keep stating I said that? Our board isn't even trying to have a peaceful exit. They're basically saying, "tough shit." They're not even trying to negotiate a peaceful exit. That's the problem.

This is why we're in the shit we are. The board makes terrible decisions after terrible decisions.


Messi stays in Barcelona.Lionel Messi decided to back down because he does not want to end up in a lawsuit with the club. Shortly the statement of Messi as per @DiarioOle

from argentina everyone is confirming

Messi clearly doesn?t have a good case. If he was right he would have left by now. He has wasted everyone?s time, looking at the squad we have, he will be miserable for him.

On the bright side I think we are now favorites for Europa League.

El Gato

They're not even trying to negotiate a peaceful exit. That's the problem.

This is why we're in the shit we are. The board makes terrible decisions after terrible decisions.

What do you want them to negotiate? Messi camp think he can leave for free. Club telling him he can't. There's no middle ground.


Senior Member
Never said we should cancel his contract. Why do you keep stating I said that? Our board isn't even trying to have a peaceful exit. They're basically saying, "tough shit." They're not even trying to negotiate a peaceful exit. That's the problem.

This is why we're in the shit we are. The board makes terrible decisions after terrible decisions.

Negotiate with who?

Messi nor any other club has been trying to negotiate a 'peaceful exit' either and for umpteenth time it is not on Barca to go out there and find suitors for Messi.

You just keep making the same points that make no sense over and over.


Senior Member
While I do largely agree, what is the best indication we have that he even wants to join City of all places? Not doubting it's possible, but this here was the first indication of Messi camp intentions in the whole debacle ergo that he is set on leaving, but would opt to stay if he needs to protect image. It's not been said anywhere where he would have signed, not even known if he himself has chosen.

City based on media stories from all sides and those close to Messi. If not them then substitute for another club he would end up at.


Senior Member
Whad you mean? Why send the letter if you are not hell bend on leaving?

I think he's done that to put pressure on the board. He's now going to speak publicly for the first time and state he has to stay because the board won't allow him to leave.

I don't think this is the end of this just yet. We'll have to wait to hear what Messi says in a minute.

El Gato

Whad you mean? Why send the letter if you are not hell bend on leaving?

They sent the letter to make it look like they could leave if they wanted to (which they can't, otherwise they would have and took club to court & won the case), but out of goodness of their heart and not wanting to get club they're supposed to love embroiled in legal battle that will ensue if they pursue this line of questioning (a court case which they know they would have lost), they say they're staying and playing a victim.

Messi camp misread the contract and more and more news are coming out proving they're in the wrong over it.


La Masia
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Messi will post a video in 9 minutes saying he stays. [<a href="">@Marsallorente</a>]</p>— barcacentre (@barcacentre) <a href="">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Well-known member
He should have captaincy stripped from him. He put in a transfer request and missed training for a week. It Koeman allows him to still be captain, then he's clearly got no balls at all.

But on the other site Messi will get furious if Barca takes the armband away and I think the main task is to get calm back after the big drama.

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