Lucas Digne


New member
Bellerin to barca is inevitable in my opinion, just a matter of time. However, as much as I trust Bob, I'm quite nervous that none of our rightbacks are actually rightbacks.(Yes, Douglas is an actual rightback but he is shit).


Culé de Celestial Empire
He's Left Footed.

With the uncertainties at RB for this season, I'm willing to believe Digne is Lucho's plan B if it goes to shit. He would easily be our starting RB, if Lucho can teach him to somehow use his right foot.

If he is left-footed I'd think it would be very hard for him to make that switch, let alone playing it on a high level?

Nah, doesn't sound like a good plan to me. I am guessing it will have to be Bob then.


Bellerin to barca is inevitable in my opinion, just a matter of time. However, as much as I trust Bob, I'm quite nervous that none of our righbacks are actually right backs.

When a player plays or is expected to play at rightback for an extended time, he's a rightback. So Bob and Vidal are rightbacks. They're skillsets are just different from classical rightbacks.

This is like saying Masche isn't a centerback; he is a centerback.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Please, stop it already with Bellerin... Every year you complain about Arsenal ripping us off and every year you want to sign a player from Arsenal, if we want to have a proper RB then we must pull a Figo-esque move and steal Carvajal from under Flo's nose, because there aren't really any other good enough RBs...

And Digne seemed determined today, didn't show much, but looks decent enough for a backup...


New member
There are always options available if we raise our head and avoid the tunnel vision. People just want totally unrealistic players from Arsenal, Chelsea and Real Madrid because thats what they know.


Senior Member
Bellerin to barca is inevitable in my opinion, just a matter of time. However, as much as I trust Bob, I'm quite nervous that none of our rightbacks are actually rightbacks.(Yes, Douglas is an actual rightback but he is shit).

Doubt it,and honestly if going by rumors I think Cancelo is the one we are following. He is just like Bellerin but even better fit at attack. And a big problem in defense just like Bellerin.


Senior Member
Cancelo can't be worse than Vidal, right?
He's pretty bad Defensively, arguably worse than Vidal currently is.

He was benched for Barragán during the second half of last season. Cancelo has age on his side and with proper coaching he could become much better at Defending. He's a good talent, just with the situation at Valencia, it's been hard on his development.


New member
I'm really liking him, he thinks so fast and his first touch is better than I imagined. with the form he showed today he could easily start ahead of Alba

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