Luis Enrique


New member
I do agree with certain points but I also think that's unfair and unreasonable to compare different times like that.
Heck, even now with only few hours passed PSG is suddenly "shit".

Stats are great so far and I'm just enjoying the ride. Only 10 Barca games left this season!

Agreed. It's so exciting right now, but I can't help but feel a bit sad as well that we're so close to the end. What a season it has been so far! Let's enjoy the fantastic performance of the team tonight, and the rest of the season as well.

Luckily we have the Copa America to watch during the summer, as well as the elections and following transferwindow to look forward to. Even if we can't transfer players, we can buy them and make deals.

Very interesting times ahead :barcascarf:


Previously known as Mehssi
I do agree with certain points but I also think that's unfair and unreasonable to compare different times like that.
Heck, even now with only few hours passed PSG is suddenly "shit".

Stats are great so far and I'm just enjoying the ride. Only 10 Barca games left this season!

Its hard to tell if (psg and city) they are shit or we just make them look like that..

And damn, season is gonna be over in no time :(
I hope we win a lot of titles, that would be a nice consolation hehe


New member
You read that on Marca no ?

Old news, he said that 2yrs ago, and they bring it up TODAY of course and at the top of the page, pathetic really.

Marca really hitting a new low with their "reporting" today then, with this in addition to their "Suarez and Neymar fighting" story... Grasping for anything they can to try and rain on Barcas high morale :facepalm:
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New member
lol StarLord still going strong .. man !

The players were absolutely NOT lazy, we pressed like demons in the 1st half and completely controlled the 2nd! Wonderful performance from (almost) everyone from begining till the end.

And Roberto was solid replacing Busi !!!!!


We did not fully control the 2nd. Ibra had an excellent chance to set Cavani (I think it was) on his way but chose to go it alone. Veratti had a free shot from the edge of the box (from a central position) and Lucas and Pastore had two incisive runs into our box. We really took our collective foot off the gas in that second half. No Busi or Iniesta also played its part.


New member
I hope he's able to win a trophy, to show something for the turn around he's had since Jan. To think he was on the verge of being fired..just 4 months ago..


New member
Statistics are often useful, interesting and fine but far from crucial. At the end of the day trophies are all that matters for clubs like FCB.

What Lucho has done since January deserves the utmost praise. There can be no doubt about this. I am inclined to say that no matter how this season ends then Lucho has already done better than Tata.

Winning the league and CdR would be a great achievement. Winning the treble for the second time as the only club in Europe to date would be almost overwhelming considering what occurred in January and all of that off-field trouble that has engulfed the club all season long.


Senior Member
I hope he's able to win a trophy, to show something for the turn around he's had since Jan. To think he was on the verge of being fired..just 4 months ago..

We've played so well that I would be extremely sad if we don't win a trophy. It would be absolutely criminal, like some kind of really bad karma from the footballing gods.


New member
Can someone please take the exclamation mark button from Starlords keyboard and destroy it forever?


Well, I can remember at the start of the season when people were 100% certain that we could not win any titles. Maybe only the Copa del Rey! Isn't that what was being said for a long time by many?

I even remember some posters claiming that we had zero chance in the CL versus the following teams: Chelsea, Dortmund, Atletico, Real and Bayern. Some people need to repent!

Well, at the beginning this assumption wasn't too far off. Nowadays most people are optimistic.

So you were a lurker back then, I see?


New member
I do agree with certain points but I also think that's unfair and unreasonable to compare different times like that.
Heck, even now with only few hours passed PSG is suddenly "shit".

Stats are great so far and I'm just enjoying the ride. Only 10 Barca games left this season!

This. Let's enjoy and support the team that is in good moment.
Lucho is having a wonderful season. No doubt about that. I'll be happy if we win two titles.


New member
There are studies showing that managers do not have as much of an influence as always thought, kind of breaking a conventional wisdom there. Then again, this does not mean that he is useless. I think basic statistical regressions can show quite a lot, yet in social sciences, one has to be careful with those regressions as there is much more a manager has to do etc. then really included in linear regression models.

I still think that Pep's influence and his leadership, rigor and work ethic was needed a lot back in 2008. Stating that world football was not as good than is kinda underestimating what this team has achieved within those years. Most of that is based on the talents one has at hand and Barca were gifted with the best players one could possibly imagine. Yet again, a paradigm in world football was broken: people tought that phsyical strength is more important than technical ability as well as intelligence. We outsmarted almost every team, including all world class teams by then, this was not only because of superb players but also because a certain kind of play was re-introduced and superbly implemented. This is due to Pep and his predecessors.

Then again, the Champions League shows that there is much more luck involved than in a normal league setting. While the league is a great marathon where really the best team is awarded with the crown, the Champions League's design is especially prone to more luck, which makes it also so exciting. If you think Pep didn't manage to win against an allegedly poor Chelsea side (Heyncke did not either) back in 2012, just check back how many chances we had to score. (Alexis, Cesc, Messi's penalty etc.)

Pep has shown to win against Mou more than one time and with different teams, he's track record 1on1 against Mou is pretty oustanding actually! Then again, it takes a lot for a manager to kick Ronaldinho, Eto'o etc. out, call the youngest player the new leader. Remember Tata being "consulted" by Xavi for a more controlled game when Tata wanted to change some things...

Pep is no saint, but he is surely amongst the top managers out there!


New member

Well, at the beginning this assumption wasn't too far off. Nowadays most people are optimistic.

So you were a lurker back then, I see?

Since you are provoking me.

This is what you said back then:

Doesn't matter. Champions League is more about defensive stability in the later stages and Barca obviously doesn't have that. Atletico Madrid, Dortmund, Chelsea, Bayern and Real Madrid would surely win against us in a two-legged tie.

And this is what I said, there and then:

This statement should be saved for later examination.

Don't say you did not ask for it.

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